Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Surprise Blessings by Susan Browder


They were completely amazed and said again and again, “Everything he does is wonderful. He even makes the deaf to hear and gives speech to those who cannot speak.”  Mark 7:37

I have witnessed so much at the hand of God during this time at Children’s Hospital.  Jacob increased his steps with a walker every few days but he still continues to forget that he has a right side.  Therapist would lightly kick the right leg forward as he used the walker.  One morning, day 40, in walks Mrs. Molly, Jacob’s PT,  Mrs. Molly and I did not see eye to eye in the beginning of therapy.  She was too pushy and I felt she was a little mean to him.  She even kicked me out on the first day of therapy which did not go over well, but Mrs. Molly didn’t care.  Anyway, in she walks one day and she is in even a pushier mood on this day.  Jacob usually did most of what Mrs. Molly expected but on this day, he was in a mood.  Mrs. Molly was determined to get Jacob to move his head to the right today and this was her only mission.  She wheeled Jacob in the rehab gym and told him when he looked and turned his head to the right, he could go and be done for the day.  Jacob sat and stared forward and to the left.  He was so angry at her.  But guess what, after over an hour, Jacob turned his head slowly to the right and then back forward again.  Then he gave her some kind of look.  It was a look that meant, “Are you happy you moron?  Now I’m done.”  I loved Mrs. Molly from that moment on.  I knew that she saw my child as someone who wanted their life back and she was so committed to him and this is why she was so tough.

On day 42, Jacob woke up and he was still in a mood.  It was frustration on top of rage.  He refused to get out of his bed.  He was still not verbal at this time, but we plead daily for words to come.  When Mrs. Molly came into get him, he grabbed onto his bed rails and held on tight to stop anyone from getting him.  Mrs. Molly told me to leave.  I knew this was going to be something I did not want to witness.  I left the room for a short period and returned to find him dressed with his favorite pair off cowboy boots on in his wheelchair.  This did not last long.  Within moments, Jacob had kicked off his boots and lunged into the bed.  Then I saw something I never thought I would ever see.  Mrs. Molly gave up!  I walked outside and asked her was this some kind of trick?  What in the world is going on?  She said, “I’ve never seen that look from him.  He’s beyond upset at the situation, and he’s not getting out of that bed today.”  I turned around and yelled back at her, “Oh yes he is, we aren’t missing a day of therapy!” I went back in the room, snatched up his boots, put them on, and tugged at him trying to rip his hands off the handles of the bed.  It didn’t work.  Jacob was still so strong; I couldn’t overpower him.  So that day, Jacob got his way.

“Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.”  Isaiah 40:31

The very next day we understood what was going on.  My husband, Nicky, woke up and walked over to Jacob’s bed to ask him if he needed to use the restroom.  Expecting a thumbs up, Nicky heard a very raspy “yea.”  Nicky started yelling at me to get up.  Me, moving in no hurry, half asleep thinking he just needs help, I walked up to the bed.  Again, Nicky asks, “Jacob, do you need to use the restroom?”  Again Jacob says, “yea.”  I hit my knees crying and asked Jacob, “Can you say mom?” He replied in his “duh” voice, “mom.”  I was so emotional and cried on my knees.  Then I heard the words, “chill mom.”  I got so tickled and knew he was going to be fine in the end.  This was such a surprise blessing that we had no idea was in the making because we were told it could be a year before Jacob spoke, if he ever did.

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”  Ecclesiastes 3:1

This was a day we had waited so long for.  Our family, especially Jacob, was so frustrated, but God’s timing is always perfect.  It’s so difficult to see this and we had to remind ourselves to trust God to continue the work that he started.

“Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.”  Psalms 27:13

Show Me Your Glory by Third Day

Counting my blessings,

Susan Browder