Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Confidence in Him


“Confidence in Him”

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD.” Jeremiah 17:7 (ESV)

Where do you place you confidence?

I listened to a devotional this morning that was centered around Jeremiah 17:7. So many things were mentioned about all the people and things so many of us put our trust in. I have trusted so many people in my life and they have sometimes let me down. I have also placed trust in myself, and many times I have completely failed and I let myself down.

Broken trust in people

Think of the times you have been let down and trusted in someone. These could have been the best of people or the ones you should have never placed trust in. I have placed my trust in doctors, family, and friends, and many times, they have failed me. But someone who has never failed me, who I began to put confidence in many years ago is God. When my family’s biggest storm hit, He never stopped working. He is still working and redirecting us.

Trust God  Put your confidence in Him

Today, think of some of the ways you need to trust God. Don’t let anybody else fit here. Have confidence in God to handle and walk you through your life, completely trusting Him. 

Counting My Blessings, 

Susan Browder