Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Can’t Catch A Break


“Can’t Catch a Break”

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4 ( NLT)

Looking Back and Remembering

As I am in the process of rereading the book my son and I wrote together and making some edits, I am reliving so many moments I considered to be very difficult for us all. Looking back isn’t good for us, but I believe looking back sometimes is just what we need. I say this because when I allowed myself to do this and see where we started with Jacob’s injury, and noticing all the places God carried us and walked us through, I see how crucial it was to our healing. 

God gives Breaks

In many of these moments, I can remember venting and being frustrated with God and how I felt like we couldn’t catch a break. So as I read our book, I saw mountains of evidence where God gave us all so many breaks just when we needed them. Things like laughter to lighten the mood, progress with Jacob’s physical therapy, a good night sleep, graduating high school, getting a degree, friendships, family time, speaking events, new doctors with different opinions, authoring a book,  and the list could go on. 

Take a Moment, Reflect and Pray

So just like James 1 says, when your faith is tested, you have a chance to grow! My how we have been given the opportunity to grow! Are you feeling worn, tired, and like you can’t catch a break today? Take a moment to just be still and quiet. Allow yourself time to reflect and pray for the Lord to keep your eyes peeled while you are being tested so you can grow and endure the hard times. Don’t lose your faith, hope, and trust when you are tested. Pray for your heart and mind to be open for teachable moments that allow growth. 

Counting My Blessings

Susan Browder

Worn Tenth Avenue North