Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Time Hops On


Time Hops On

Image by Alexander Lesnitsky from Pixabay


“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.” Ephesians 5:16-17 (NLT)

“Time Feels Different Now”

As a child, I can remember how time felt like it moved so leisurely and without hurry. As I continued to grow up, it still felt the same. I can remember sitting in my seat at school, praying for the bell to ring and thinking how long the days were. Now as an adult, sometimes it feels very different to me. I definitely feel life is in the turbo and accelerated speed now. There are some days where I feel like I am always in fast forward motion. Now I am wishing, on these particular days, it would just slow down and creep by. Now I see what a blessing time is.


I know we probably all feel like social media and electronics are sometimes the devil. There are a lot of pros and cons and many of us spend too much time on them. One of my favorite apps on my phone is Timehop. It was founded in 2011. I love how it collects my old photos and shows me a reminder of what was happening in my life a year ago, two years ago, and even eight years ago. It reminds me of all the places I have gone along my way and to where I am now.

This reminds me to use my time wisely. Looking at past photos can give us a peaceful feeling and put us in a slow down mode that allows us time to reflect on our life. Am I using my time wisely? Am I enjoying and living life to the fullest? Do I appreciate my life and all the things that fill it? If you are uncertain about these answers, you can be certain about this one. Time is going to keep hopping on this Earth until Jesus comes.

“Don’t Miss”

Think about the moments you wish you could stay in. We all wish we could go back and live these memorable moments, but of course we can’t. When you feel life is just too fast for you, settle down. You don’t want to miss what God has for you. Find your slower pace, take in all that fills up your life, appreciate it all, and don’t waste your time. Make your days count and your timehop a good one.

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder  Jeremy Camp  Keep Me in The Moment