Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Seeing the World Through My Grandaughter’s Eyes

“Seeing the World Through My Granddaughter’s Eyes”


“May you live to enjoy your grandchildren. May Israel have peace!” Psalm 128:6 (NLT)

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17 (ESV)

The Joys

Being a grandmother or a SuSu has brought so much joy into my life. If you have a grandchild, you know. Nixon Lyn is 15 months old now and she makes me feel young again. We live an hour apart which really stinks because I just get to see her weekly! At this age, I am witnessing tremendous growth each week when I visit.

One of the moments I look forward to each time is her smile. She enjoys being outside so much. Last week, I took her to the Tuscaloosa Riverwalk. She always has a big time here. We start with breakfast at Another Broken Egg and then head down to ride along the river in her pink car.

Take Time to Enjoy What is All Around You

Nixon Lyn loves to touch every flower and lean into it as she sweeps it across her face. She loves people watching too. It is hysterical to watch her expressing at all of the different people and the things they are doing. Some are running, some are walking and talking, some are rollerblading, some are dog walking, and then some are on the water. Her new interests are the squirrels and the slide.

As I was taking a picture of the big time Nixon Lyn was having, I caught a long stare in her eyes that reminded me of myself as a child. My granddaughter was enjoying the simple things in life and it brought such a smile to her face. She was watching the group of squirrels going to town scooping up acorns as they sprang from branch to branch. I think she was in awe of how quickly they worked and what a wonderful time the squirrels were having with each other. They had her attention.

Has anything gotten your attention like this lately? If not, try looking at things through a child’s eyes. God created so many things for us to enjoy. Nixon Lyn has reminded me to enjoy my day just the way she does. She has reminded me to smell, touch, to laugh more, and to slide down every slide.

We had many conversations about the squirrels on this day. My all time favorite was when I asked Nixon Lyn if she liked the squirrels and if she had a good time. As she shook her head saying yes, she smiled so big that her eyes could not be seen, just her teeth. Then she does another favorite of mine. She runs into my arms! This is my favorite! When she runs into my arms, it reminds me of God’s love for us all. Nothing compares to this.

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder  Forever Reign  by Hillsong