Category Archives: Faith over Fear

I Love You This Much

I Love you

Nixon Lyn

“I Love You This Much”

“But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Romans 5:8 (NLT)

That Feeling

A little over a year ago, I got to meet my granddaughter. I remember how overwhelmed my heart felt looking into her eyes for the first time. Now I have had a year of looking into my granddaughter’s eyes and my heart has an even more overwhelming feeling.

This Much

I always have little things I say to Nixon Lyn when I walk through the door and see her face. She always hears, “Hey gorgeous!” “Did you miss me?” “What are you doing!?” My new thing I’ve added is “I love you THIS much!” Of course she’s highly entertained because I am over the top with my expressions, wide eyes, and my voice turns into a different, but loud tone. Her reaction always tells me she feels the same way.

Our Opportunity

My heart breaks for all the people in this world who don’t feel they have someone who loves them this much. As a teacher, I unfortunately occasionally witness this. I also get an opportunity to love on some of these precious souls. We all have this opportunity and if we take the time to show love, we can receive a tremendous blessing.

Losing Sight

It’s obvious I’m smitten with my granddaughter. All of this got me thinking. If my love for my granddaughter and all of my family is overwhelming to my heart, imagine how God feels about all of us. I know I am so guilty of losing sight of this. Each day, I pray to be reminded of this. God loves us all more than we can spread our arms out to show “I love you this much!” He reveals and communicates His love for us everyday.

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder

Additional post of a Grandmother’s Love

Walking with my granddaughter