Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Think Before You Speak

Watch what you say

“Think Before You Speak”

“Wise words will win you a good meal, but treacherous people have an appetite for violence. Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything.” Proverbs 13:2-3 (NLT)

Watch What You Say

Growing up, I always heard my mama say to my sisters and me, “Girls, watch what you say.” It always broke her heart when my sisters and I would go through phases where we didn’t get along. I understood her pain when I raised my boys and I would get the same heartbreaking feeling when I would hear my boys say mean and hurtful things to each other.


We all have found ourselves in situations where we feel we have blown it. It’s a regretful and upsetting feeling. It’s not a good feeling to fail someone or to realize they didn’t deserve what was dished out to them. If only there were a rewind and redo button to push for these parts of our lives.

Why Does This Happen

We all know this answer. When we don’t follow the “watch what you say” rule, we have let our words exit our mouth without thinking. We don’t have to give an immediate reaction to someone who has frustrated us, said something we don’t agree with, or who was rude. We really sometimes don’t even have to say anything. We can let God handle it. When we really want to respond to a situation, we should pause, pray, think, maybe pray again, and then speak. I teach this to my middle school kids each year because the behavior they learn early, is what they are going to continue with as they grow up unless they are given some wise advice and other options. What we say comes back to us. If it’s not kind, it can feel like a good smack to the forehead.

Next Time  Speak Live  Toby Mac

So next time you find yourself in a sticky situation, remember you will be rewarded by what you say. Always think before you speak and pray for the Lord to control your tongue. You don’t want to have the awful feeling of handling something the wrong way.

Counting My Blessings,

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