Category Archives: Faith over Fear

“God Gave Me You”

“God Gave Me You”

Seven years ago, my family moved to Demopolis. I remember how much I missed my friends. Little by little, I developed some special friendships in my new hometown. These friendships have a variety of ages from ladies in their twenties to ladies in their fifties. But when we get together, it is the best mixture of fun!

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17 (ESV)

“What the Younger Teach Me”

I think when you have friends of only your same age, you miss out on something special and unique. From my younger friends, I have learned the importance of having fun even when we are busy and enjoying being silly. I am reminded, people younger than me, can still teach me. They help me to get out of my serious head. These younger friends can put a smile on my face when they share moments of their young families. They bring me back to a time and I realize how much I miss my kids being little. It’s also a little fun to hear things they are experiencing with their own kids and to think how relieved I am not to relive some of those!

“Friends My Own Age Teach Me”


I have a few friends who are the same age as me. We can all relate to what is going on with our bodies, work, and the juggling act. These friends remind me I am somewhat normal and the importance of balance in my life. One of these friends is the same age as me, minus a few years. We work together so I have the best of both worlds. She is a great “cool down” person when I have a tough time at school. She can help me find the good in my mess and look for the positive. We encourage one another when needed, and laugh always. We have shared countless tears, much laughter together, and asked for advice with problems. We have prayed for each other and our families. I am so thankful for her friendship.

“What the More Experienced Teaches Me”

My friend who is older than me has experienced so many heartaches and achievements. She sees me through daily ups and downs. Our friendship developed through exercising together. She is very knowledgeable and has a way of looking at things to make you see it clearly. She makes you put all your cards on the table and talk openly and honestly about your thinking. This girl is the best storyteller and has a story for everything. She is a very tough lady but has the biggest heart. We have also shed many tears and laughs which can’t be counted. We have set goals together, broken diets together, and made our own rules. She is the friend who also loves to make fun of me, laugh at me, and then share it to all. She makes me feel a much younger age. She has taught me the beauty of needing a distraction from life. Really though, she is always teaching me something.

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4 (NLT)

“Grateful to Be Placed”

I never imagined I would be thrown into a pool of friends like this, but I am certainly grateful I was. We notice things about each other, other people may not. All of these friendships have taught me so much. We are a diverse group but we all love each other big. We look forward to girl trips and growing older together. We look out for each other’s interest and want the best for each other. I am so blessed God put me with the people he has. I am so thankful they love me and I hope they always know I will put them before me. So to all of you, I am so happy God gave me you for the ups and downs.

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder