Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Keep Walking it Out

Walk it out! Don’t Give Up

“Keep Walking it Out”

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (ESV)

The Lack OF

What is something you see lacking in our world today? What a loaded question, right? There are so many things that can’t even be counted today, but the one that has really hit me lately, is the lack of perseverance. The definition of perseverance: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. (

Be Patient and Persevere

Why is this something so many people have tossed over their shoulders and are no longer willing to work for the things that mean so much? I think this has everything to do with all we have at our fingertips today. So much can be done by the click of a button. For many, there is not a great deal of waiting on things we want. So we don’t have to be very patient people if we aren’t going to persevere and continue walking down the “see it through” or “work hard” road. No one likes to be patient.

Build Me Lord

So how do we change this mindset and get back to the “see it through” and “work hard” days? I know for me, I have prayed for God to build me into this type of person and “walk it out.” I don’t want the people I love to witness me giving up when the road curves and detours in a direction I wasn’t planning on going. I want others to see me “walking it out” and witness true perseverance. So remember the next time you get tired and impatient, pray to the Lord for a “walk it out” attitude and don’t give up!

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder Andra Day

Additional reading:

Planting Seeds, Everyday Matters