Category Archives: Faith over Fear

We Are Better Together

Together we can do it.!_Josie.jpg


“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.” Ecclesiates 4:9 (NLT)

A Different Experience

Over the last year, I have had the most wonderful experience teaching Chinese students English online through a company called VIPKID. I do love teaching online, but this background I already had, did not prepare me for what I was about to dive into. Last week was my first experience teaching my math students online. Of course, teaching math to sixth graders online is very different from teaching them in my classroom. I faced many challenges because I wasn’t able to see my students face to face and I had numerous questions which couldn’t be answered quickly.

Ready, Not Ready

Anyone who knows me, knows I am passionate about teaching. Last week, I mentioned I videoed myself teaching. I am so thankful I could still give my students a few moments with their teacher sort of, in person. Before our online learning began, I spent a great deal of time making sure my material for the week was organized, easy to access, and there was enough practice for my students. I was so happy with what I had put together and I felt good about it until I started getting messages from my students and some of the parents.

So bright and early, on Monday morning, I started getting alerts from my students because they could not access some of the material, they could not write on the practice worksheets I “thought” I made writable, and the quiz would not load for some of them. Needless to say, I wasn’t as prepared for my first week of online learning as I thought I was. I experienced messages like these, “I can’t write on the document,” “The quiz won’t load”, and “It won’t let me retake the quiz, Mrs. Browder.” I was a little overwhelmed and hungry as I looked up and it was 2:30 PM on the first day of online learning and I had not stopped. I was exhausted!

Helping Each Other

But thank goodness for the support of other teachers and friends! With a generous amount of help from a few teachers, week two of online learning should go much smoother. Working together benefits us all. I am a much better online teacher and ready for what next week throws at me because I have people in my corner who are willing to share what they have learned and to help others when they need it.

Who Needs You Today?

So today, do something to help someone out. God never meant for us to do it all on our own. We are meant to work alongside one another, sharing the load. Who needs you today to share their load?

Matthew West  Do Something

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder

Let’s Make a Deal