Category Archives: Faith over Fear

One of the Best Gifts

“One of the Best Gifts”

17” After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child. 18 All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished, 19 but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often. 20 The shepherds went back to their flocks, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. It was just as the angel had told them.” Luke 2:17-20 (NLT)

The Gift of Memories

I believe “one of the best gifts” God has given me, is the gift of memories. Luke 2 shows us that even though this probably blew Mary’s mind, she treasured this memory. We know she treasured it because the bible says she thought of it often.

Memories of Tinsel Galore

Every year, when I decorate my Christmas tree and hang the stockings, it always takes me back. As a child, throwing silver tinsel all around our freshly cut Christmas tree my mom and dad chopped down is a memory I will always treasure. Growing up, every Christmas, our tree was drenched in tinsel and looking back, something I loved, was my mom never cared. My mom’s face holds so many memories for me. One of the best gifts my mom ever gave me was she never stressed over things like tinsel dripping all over the Christmas Tree. Her heart was full because my sisters and I were making the best memories as children as we decorated the tree.

Watching My Boys

After having my boys, I got to experience making memories decorating the Christmas tree with my boys through my mom’s eyes. They loved looking at the ornaments each of them made over the years. My favorite memory I hold in my heart is the memory of Christmas mornings. I always knew when it was time to get up! I could hear Nick and Jacob sitting on the stairs talking about waking Nicky and I. When I think about Christmas mornings, I can picture their little faces filled with joy. I have so many precious memories! I can close my eyes or fade far away and remember Christmas plays and musicals and see a young wiseman and a little donkey smiling at me, or rolling their eyes, from the stage.


Now I look forward to watching my son’s experience Christmas with their families. I look forward to seeing my granddaughter’s face light up when she knows it is Christmas. I look forward to the joy it brings her when she learns what Christmas is all about. Jesus! I am so thankful for the gift of memories!

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder

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