Category Archives: Faith over Fear

God’s Grace in the Sunset

God’s Grace in the Sunset

God’s Grace in the Sunset

“When I See the Sunset, His Grace Finds Me”

“Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy.” Psalm 65:8 (NLT)

Everyone loves watching the sunset. Lately, we have had the blessing of such glorious sunsets. Getting a glimpse of the vivid and beautiful colors God paints for us everyday, takes my breath away. It puts me in a place of peace hoping I get another tomorrow to do it better than I did today. It also allows me to put the end of my day into perspective and makes me look at the marks I made.

When I see a sunset, many things flood my mind. What did I do well to benefit others today? Who did I show love to? What did I do right? Who did I let down? Who did I hurt? What can I do better tomorrow? Sunsets have a way of letting me look deep into myself and see where I let God lead me and where I let go of God’s hand which lead me so well all day. Just witnessing a sunset makes me want to be a better person.

Go out and watch the sunset today. Watch and be amazed. HIS grace will find you. Just watch and decide what you can do better to help others with the gifts you have been blessed with.

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder

Abounding in God’s grace