Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Believe You Have It

“Believe You Have It”

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24 (ESV)

I Remember

As I was listening to the radio this week, I was reminded of one of my favorite verses, Mark 11:24. Before I knew this verse existed, God put it in my heart. I remember the moment very well. As I sat and watched Jacob laying there lifeless in a coma for weeks, I knew this was not for him. As a mom, we all have a positive attitude of the outcomes when it concerns our children, but I am talking about something much different.

I can remember looking at doctors, nurses, family members, and friends and seeing the look on their faces when I walked around like I was okay. It was because, for the most part, I was. I was okay with all that was going on around me because I could already see Jacob waking up. I could already see him walking around. I could already hear his voice making sarcastic comments or hear him planning his next adventure. I could already see future hunting and fishing trips. I could already see him growing up. I could already see myself sitting with him.

Already Had It

Even though I had never read or understood exactly what Mark 24:11 means, I prayed and asked God to heal my son and He did. In my opinion, God heard me and He answered my prayer because I believed I already had it. I am sure many of you have been blessed with an experience like this. If you haven’t, it is a feeling that is so peaceful and there is not another way to describe it.

I encourage you to pray with everything you have today and believe it like you have already received it. I am so thankful and blessed to know and understand the goodness of God and how faithful He has been to my family.

“And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.” 1 John 5:14 (ESV)

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder I Believe Hillsong Worship


John 14:27 Prayer of Thanksgiving