Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Another Blessing

Meeting Nixon Another Blessing

Meeting Nixon

Another Blessing   picture by Susan Smelley Photography

“Another Blessing”

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” James 1:17 (NLT)


Meeting Nixon  Blessings

I met my granddaughter on July 2, 2019. As Nicky and I walked into the room to meet Nixon, I started the “ugly cry.” The moment our eyes met, I experienced a love that I didn’t even know was there. It was another blessing in my life I am so grateful to have experienced.

“We Are Grandparents”

I looked at Nicky and said something that he already knew. “We are grandparents!” This was not a moment to prepare our hearts for.

Seeing My Son’s Eyes  Seeing Nick's eyes

Another Blessing I witnessed on July 2nd was seeing my son’s eyes as he looked at his daughter, Nixon, and wife, Mallory. It was a look I had never witnessed. It was a proud moment that cannot be put into words to fully describe what my eyes captured.

As the day went on, my heart was full seeing the protection Nick already developed for Nixon as she was taken into the nursery. The look in his eyes and his body language as the nurses cared for her was definitely saying, “Please be more careful.” As my other son, Jacob arrived at the hospital, he was given directions before entering the nursery.

Meeting Uncle Jake

He walked over towards Nick to meet his niece. His eyes quickly showed Nixon had already captured her Uncle Jake’s heart. It was another blessed moment to witness all three of them together.

Watching the New Parents

I have never seen two new parents work together so well. Nick and Mallory did so much together. The love they have for Nixon is something so beautiful. My eyes began to water when I saw them both wrestling to get the newborn gown on her in the most gentle wrestle possible. This day, I saw Nick become a dad. He was eager to learn and listen to everything Nurse Sue had to give him. I also was blessed to witness the girl I have known since she was fifteen, so thankful to become a mom.

I Will Always Remember

I will always remember the day I met my granddaughter. I will remember exactly the way she looked, smelled, and the feeling she gave me in my heart. I will always remember the way my husband and I looked at each other as we sprinted down the hallway to meet Nixon. I will always remember the way Nixon’s parents were with her as they welcomed and cared for her the first day of her life.

We are a family of 3!

I will always remember how my son’s held her little pinky fingers and talked to her. I will always remember Nick and Mallory’s excitement as they waited to take their daughter home for the first time. I will always remember the moment my son became a dad.

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34 (NLT)


Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder


Additional Reading

Finding All of the Pieces -Life’s Puzzle