Category Archives: Debbie Kendrick

Bicycles, a Blueberry Pie, Awe and Miracles

From the front porch and beyond:

Where are you looking for your awe?

Are you looking at it in your accomplishments?

Are you looking for it on a vacation?

Are you looking for it in a mirror?

Are you looking for it in a relationship?

Are you looking for it in an experience?

Riding bicycles for charity

I stand in awe of many of my friends that ride bicycles in competition, endurance, and selfless miles for charity.

Bicycles,blueberry pie, awe and miracles

Celebration and supporting two bicycle groups become my focus for 6 weeks before March and October’s rides.

Blueberry pies and ice cream!

Decorating plans, cooking supplies, making sure the weekend is clear of other plans and prayers have time to focus on the riders, safety, money raised, families it will help, and how it will change each rider’s hearts and lives.

In all of this awe of my friends; riding their bicycles over 500 miles in 5 days, over hills, rough roads, in traffic, summer sun, and spring rains, if I am not careful, I will forget who I should truly be in awe of My Heavenly Father!

Prayer with friend

You see, there is not one of these men and women that have accomplished one thing. It is by the wisdom, power, and strength of God.

HE knew!

He created and empowers them.

It is a miracle that they have the compassion to be this vulnerable, take the risk and have the drive to accomplish this.

God’s miracle moment

It is a miracle that I heard they were coming.

It was God’s miracle and timing that I decide to step out of my comfort zone to meet a group of men that I had no connections with, on the side of the road with one little pie that God has touched and repeated the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes.

Luke 9:12-17

By God’s hand

It’s by God’s hand that I have these wonderful gifts that pop in twice a year to laugh, pray and raise money for a cure.

I stand in awe of My God that took the time to write this small story in my life’s story. That with all the people in the world and all the needs— He thought of me! He took his valuable wisdom and time to plan each moment and interaction. He brought almost 100 people that should have never met, should have never become friends, should have never prayed together or given God the glory.

And he does for everyone, every day.

When He was on the cross He thought of me. He thought of you!


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for awing me!! Thank you that you are in control and in charge of each detail. Thank you for thinking of me when you were on the cross.

Let me be in awe of your love, grace, and mercy every day. Let me trust, and walk in faith expecting to be awed by my Heavenly Father!


Paul David Tripp

Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do