Category Archives: Object Lesson

Time out to reflect and pray


#newyear #reflection #prayer

Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. Mark 1:35

Ahhh, the holiday season is winding down. Only one more hurdle into the New Year. What will this year bring? Will it be the year our Savior returns? Will the tribulation begin? For some the past year has been a year of tribulation and the thought of any additional trials is overwhelming.

How do we walk in confidence and without fear into the new year? How do we face tomorrow and “sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear?” (I Peter 3:15)

Could the answer be found in how Jesus started His day? Starting the day with a time out? The officer and gentleman was up before the chickens and when I finally pried my eyes open, I knew our family had been surrounded for the day by his prayers. He started his day with the Lord. I am more inclined to finish mine with my laundry list of needs as I collapse into bed. Which of us walked/walks in confidence and peace? You guessed it! He did. I miss this prayer covering he gave us every single day.

As the new year approaches and the signs of the times are shouting of our Lord’s imminent return, I too desire to have this confidence and peace. I need to follow the Lord’s example and BEGIN and end my day at His feet. The needs my family, my friends, the body of Christ, and our nation are too great to neglect this.

Jesus spent time in fellowship with His Father. He spent time with Him because He loved and missed Him. Jesus was confined as we are by time, space, and his humanity and He longed to return to His Father. I began to understand this when my own parents went to be with the Lord and even more so after the officer and gentleman joined them. Who do you long to spend time with if only to sit in the same space and feel their presence. This is the love Jesus shared with His Father and He desires to share with us. The question is not does He desire to spend time with me, but do I desire (that means willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want) to spend time with Him? This is the true test of my love for Him. Am I only in this relationship for what I can get out of it–a one way ticket to Heaven instead of hell, or do I desire to be in this relationship because Jesus is my everything.

I have jumped through many a hoop to spend time with my loved ones in the past. Can we remember a single time we were willing to do whatever it took to have time with Jesus? This is the litmus test of our love for HIm. He hates lukewarm love. (Revelation 3:15-17)

I will be taking the next few days to prepare for a special celebration for one the officer and gentleman and I love very much. As I prepare, I will be seeking His guidance for my new year, this wee blog I peck out each week, and to give thanks for His patience with this wayward bride of His. Will I get up very early, long before daylight to pray? Honestly, I doubt it. But what I can tell you is this, I will start my day in thanksgiving for just who He is and all He has accomplished in me and I will daily ask Him to be with me throughout the day and guide my steps, filter my words, and continue to change me into He created me to be. Prayer is talking to our Father through Jesus; He opened heaven’s door and said: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrew 4:16) This is an invitation I will not ignore. My very survival depends on this one priority.

Happy New Year Treaders!

I am thankful you are here treading water til Jesus comes with us!