Category Archives: Object Lesson

Psalm 25:14 The Secret of the LORD


Psalm 25:14 The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, And He will show (make them know) them His covenant.

This Psalm was written by King David as a plea for forgiveness, protection, and guidance.

Do you want to know the secret of God? I want to know this secret! Is this secret only for a select few? Is it a secret I can share if I know it? Is it Top Secret?

The officer and gentleman had a high security clearance. He had knowledge of government affairs that he took with him to the grave. He had sworn an oath to defend and protect his country and he guarded the secrets with his life. He once carried documents in a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. He traveled on a diplomatic passport to destinations unknown even to his family (much to his mother’s chagrin). Did we want to know what he knew? YES! Of course we did. Would he share it? Not even a little bit! (Very 007 spy stuff)

So what is this secret of the LORD? The word secret means intimacy or counsel. The secret is intimacy with God. The secret is the counsel of God! The secret is friendship with Jehovah–Creator of the universe. But to have privy to this secret I must fear Him. To have the LORD make known to me His Promise (covenant) I must revere Him; I must worship Him.

My question is this. How can I possibly keep this secret to myself when the LORD reveals to me His promise, His friendship, His counsel, and I share an intimate relationship with Him? I CANNOT! This is a secret to be shared with the world. Here is my dilemma: I believe in keeping confidences. I do not share other people’s secrets. Hmmmmm…………………….

King David the minstrel poet wrote this psalm. David had no trouble worshipping his God; getting excited about all the LORD meant to him, seeking and receiving forgiveness when he stumbled or failed miserably, he desired to build God a temple, he proclaimed all God had done. David worshipped so openly, so freely that he embarrassed his wife. To David, he had an audience of ONE and if the Lord was pleased David did not care who was offended. David shared what His God had shown him! Ah haaaaa! I can share what I have experienced. I am not sharing another’s experience. Eureka! I get it!

This verse says the LORD will show (make known) His covenant. In order to show me, I have to be watching, listening, thinking. He must have my attention. I must take the time to learn. This is the fear of the LORD. AMAZING! The LORD God of Heaven wants to be a friend of mine and tell me HIS secrets! How could I possibly keep this “secret” to myself?

Are we sharing the “secret?” Secrets are generally shared one on one and only to those we have a close relationship with. God shared His knowledge with me one on one. I share what I learn with another, one on one. This is the point. We must have a close relationship with God and man for the secret of the covenant (promise of salvation, redemption, forgiveness) to be made KNOWN. According to Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost for His Highest, “the only true secrets are your secret joys, the final mark of intimacy.”

Get out from in front of the computer, TV, and cell phone (after you finish this of course) and get out in the neighborhood and start a dialogue. Share the secret. This verse makes my head want to explode! So much to think about. I cannot share what I do not know.

Go share your SECRET! It is the secret the Lord wants ALL mankind to share in: His promise to redeem mankind.




Sharing with friends

Treading with a forever friend,