Category Archives: Object Lesson



Object lessons. Object lessons are used to teach Bible truths to children and adults. We all learn a bit differently. It helps to have a visual.

I have used them often over the years. Even recently I used an object lesson to teach about how the Holy Spirit gives gifts but we often do not “unwrap” these gifts, either out of fear, or apathy, or just not understanding it really is to be used not just look pretty sitting on the shelf or in the bottom of the closet.

One of my favorite verses of scripture is from the Psalms. Psalm 56:8 says, “ Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?”

Bottles Decoration Antique Glass Old Vintage

I am a weeping willow. The waterworks turn on and off at will: They have a mind of their own. I told a friend of mine who is not a believer about all my tears being stored in a bottle in heaven and the response was, “You don’t have a bottle, you have a vat!” True that!

I rejoice in the fact the Lord loves me so!

Are you hurting today? Are the tears flowing like a river down your sweet face? The Father sees each and every tear and He catches them, stores them in His bottle with your name on it and He will redeem every single one! Tears to diamonds? He turned water into wine. He took five loaves and two fish and fed 5000!

I read once, “Don’t ever discount the wonder of your tears. They can be healing waters and a stream of joy. Sometimes they are the best words the heart can speak.”

In fact, an article posted by beliefnet (

states the “seven healing properties of tears.” Look at this impressive list:

  • Tears remove toxins
  • Tears lower stress levels
  • Tears build community
  • Tears release feelings
  • Tears kill bacteria
  • Tears elevate mood
  • TEARS HELP US SEE! (emphasis mine-because when you clear the toxins, lower the stress, release the feelings, gather a community of understanding, and improve the mood, suddenly the world looks less scary and we can hear God speak in His still small voice and see what He is up too.)

Scripture authenticated this thousands of years ago! Just do a google search of scriptures on tears and be astounded.
The past week was emotionally difficult. My bestie from high school became a grandmother, a soul sister was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, the home I shared with the officer and gentleman was shown by a realtor, and I experienced a flare-up of my autoimmune disorder causing pain in my joints making writing, typing, handwork, and opening cans difficult and me especially “sensitive.” Yep, been some tears of joy, sorrow, frustration, and pain. So, I am beyond thankful to know my heavenly Father caught EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Jesus cried tears and sweat drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane. After He cried out, an angel came to STRENGTHEN Him! God caught the tears of Jesus. AND………………..

He will catch yours too! Let them flow sisters (and brothers)………….there is healing in these God-given drops of grace.

Treading in tears,

Yvonne Jones