Category Archives: Paula Wallace


Love is Blind

Love Is Blind

Have you ever heard the expression ‘love is blind’? In the “worldly” view that can be so true. A person will overlook the negatives of a person or thing because of their ‘love’ for it.


So many people express that while dating their future spouse, there were signs of undesirable attributes. No one is perfect. Everyone has undesirable habits or parts of their personality. Perhaps in some relationships, there is regret that it went unnoticed before. Love is blind.


Love for the children can definitely be blind. That sweet, innocent child would never bully or be disruptive in school. He or she would never disobey, watch R-rated things on their phone, or consider drugs or alcohol.

“If Christians desire to grow thorns to stuff their sleepless pillows, let them dote on their dear ones.” Charles Spurgeon.

Money Love is blind!

Consider the love people have for their money. Worshiping money or gold has been an idol for centuries. Love of money only creates greed and stress. The fear of it never being enough is not only for the poor or less fortunate financially.

Money seems to offer a false sense of security. Love is blind!


Food, yes, food. Love for food, how good it is to indulge in tasty morsels for pleasure. Eating seems to be a way to overcome sadness or stress. God created food for the nourishment of our bodies, but it has become an idol of sorts because of the love for food. The wrong food and large amounts cause most of the health issues people have today. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes to name a few. Love is blind!

What do you love

The list goes on and on in the world today. What do you love? What people or things have you chosen to put on a pedestal? We become blinded to the truth and our pedestal comes tumbling down. The expectations of our love prove to be heartbreaking.

Worldly love is blind!

What does God’s love look like?

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5 Our first love should be for the Lord. He is ever faithful and loving. He never fails us.

“Love one another, just as I have loved you” John 13:34b

I Corinthians 13 is known as the love chapter in the Bible. God begins by letting us know if we do not have Godly love for one another, then we are nothing!

“Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not arrogant, is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not irritable, and does not keep a record of wrongs… bears all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.”Corinthians 13:4,5,7.

Love or An Idol

In considering the things that are most important to us, the question should be whether is it Godly love or an idol. Does the primary love we have bring unkindness, irritability, and rudeness? God is the only way to have true peace and joy in our lives. Our love for Him should be the most important thing. Sure people will fail us and things will not be as great as we expected, but God is perfect in all His ways.

Love for God is not blind! He opens our eyes to see clearly His way and His will in our lives.

Are you blinded by your love for something other than God?

Cody Carnes –Nothing Else

Paula Wallace


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