Category Archives: Paula Wallace

More and more


It is amazing how much young children can eat. They seem to have an insatiable need for food. The refrigerator is constantly being opened. The kitchen cabinet doors remain open while little hands reach in to grab snack foods like cookies and chips. They have a strong desire for more and more food.

Last weekend I spent a few days with my son and family. His three children were eating unless they were actively involved in play on the baseball field or on a float in the water. As soon as the activity ended, they were seeking some sort of food.

“Oh, how I love your law! It is my meditation all day.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭119:97‬ ‭ESV‬‬

More and More of God’s Word

As I was considering the children and how they longed for more and more food, I thought about how we should long more and more for God’s Word. When we rise in the morning, God’s Word should be the first ‘feeding’. As we go through the day and are not busy with activities, have a heart that longs for God’s Word and seeks His precepts. As we feast on His word, our hunger will grow for His word as we learn more and more.

“How sweet Your word is to my taste – Sweeter than honey in my mouth.” Psalm 119:103, CSB

More hope, comfort, delight, life, and wisdom

Did you read verse 103? The word of God is sweeter than honey. The word should satisfy all desires in our life and lead us to follow His instructions. We can find contentment in the word of God. In Psalm 119, the psalmist tells us that the word of God gives us hope, comfort, delight, life, and wisdom. As much as those children enjoyed food, we can find enjoyment in the word of God, if we spend time reading and learning.

Besides, if we spent our time reading God’s word, we might be less tempted to open the refrigerator or pantry door. 🙂

Paula Wallace