Category Archives: Diving Deeper

Love Creates Beauty

For the Beauty of the Earth

Love Creates Beauty

I wonder, have you ever realized love creates beauty? It does! The love of the officer and gentleman made me beautiful. Yes, it was in his (the beholder) eyes only, but it was enough! That love changed me. His love gave me confidence, and strength to face each day without fear, and it wiped out the insecurity of not being enough. If only for one person on this planet, his love was enough and continues to be more than enough, despite his no longer being present.

God So Loved

The Word tells us in John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son and whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. The love of God creates beauty in us. He sees each of us as beautiful and eternal. The Most High God loves us and His love changed us from sinners into saints. Our Triune God took what was less than and made it more than enough.

Love is Enough

In Genesis 1 we read everything that God made was not just good but very good. He spoke creation into being and in essence said, “it is enough!” We are created in the image of God! Let this sink in! We ARE Made In the IMAGE of holy GOD! Can this be anything other than beautiful? We have His likeness, His authority over the earth; we are creative, we 💖produce and we multiply. He allows us to subdue and have dominion. But most shocking of all is HE breathed into us HIS life! We live and move and have our very being because He loves us. His love creates beauty in us. (Acts 17:28) We are his offspring. Does any parent think their child is ugly? Of course not! My daughter has a saying, “Even vultures think their babies are beautiful.” Love creates beauty.

Song of Songs

Solomon writes in the Song of Songs, these words, “How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes behind your veil are doves. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from the hills of Gilead.” Yes, love creates beauty in poetry, songs, love letters, gifts, protection, and by covering a multitude of sins. (I Peter 4:8)

Love creates beauty

the Bridegroom Returns


Recently, I was cleaning out a drawer containing things of the past. I found song lyrics written for me that I had forgotten all about it! I found cards that as I reread them, I felt young love again and remembered the feelings of new love. Catapulted back in time. Love creates beauty: Not external but internal. A life feels valued, wanted, and nurtured. Our being becomes cloaked in belonging; it feels the glow of being cherished.


God has done all this for us! He has written us songs, love letters, poetry, traced our heritage, given gifts, and has given His very life to redeem (preserve and protect) ours. Yes, Love Creates Beauty. Some say “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” Do we need anyone beholding us other than Jesus? He calls you Beautiful. (Jeremiah 11:16) We need never, ever, again struggle with feeling unloved! His LOVE calls you Beautiful. His Love creates beauty out of ashes, gives joy instead of mourning, and dresses us in a garment of praise! (Isaiah 61:3)

A New Name

He has given you a new name and it is Beautiful! Listen to Him as He speaks. He will call you by this name, for you belong to Him. (Isaiah 62:2; Revelation 2:17) Feel Him cup your precious face in His nail-scarred hands, see how He looks deeply into your eyes with His eyes of love, and hear Him say, “I Love YOU!” Now, don’t you feel beautiful? Yes, you may feel unworthy but He put this LIE to death when on the third day, He AROSE. He arose and conquered the enemy and his native, lying tongue. (Proverbs 12:19; Psalm 10:7; John 8:44b)


As the Bride of Christ, we too, create beauty from the love of our Bridegroom and give it to the world, one soul at a time. (Isaiah 62:4)

Ashes by Celine Dion


Father, Lord God of Heaven and Earth,

I thank You for loving me and creating in me a clean heart. You gave me beauty for ashes. Father, You replaced my grief with joy, and You are dressing me for The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. You have made me Your Son’s Beautiful Bride! Come quickly!