Category Archives: Diving Deeper

First Bride


First Bride: Eve given to Adam by God the Father

  1. Genesis 1:26-28

  2. Genesis 2:7, 21-25

 3. Genesis 2:22, 25 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. The First Bride.

Adam sacrificed a rib for his bride. His mohar (Bride price) was a rib: a part of himself. Is there anything more precious one can give? His blood was spilled as God performed surgery. The idea here of deep sleep is death. Adam literally died, sacrificed a part of his being, and was resurrected to a new life of human fellowship. It has been said the rib was used because it protected the heart: “the center of all the operations of human life.” A comprehensive term used to reflect authenticity. We have a heart because we are created in the image of a loving, holy God. The place where our will resides and we decide who rules: God or self?

From the beginning, God showed man the cost of a love relationship. Adam recognized the requirements of a relationship were to be separate (the two become one) and to sacrifice: A oneness of mind, body, soul, and spirit. The acceptance of the bride as a precious gift and a creation of God-given to add beauty and joy to his life. This relationship was to be based on mutual acceptance, love, and respect.

The First Wedding Vows

The first Adam understood this and is reflected in the first wedding vows spoken in the Garden when all was perfect. We feel this perfection in the words, “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.You have heard these vows at many weddings, but let them ask yourself the hard question: Is there anything separating you from the love of God? Do you feel shame before God? Make no mistake, they were standing in the Presence of Holy God. Does this make you a bit uncomfortable thinking about standing totally exposed before God and man?

Flesh of my flesh

“This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

Christ’s Bride

And with this declaration of God’s perfect marital plan, Woman became the first bride of Adam. A picture of God’s plan for His One and Only Son: the Last Adam with His Church. The Son sacrificed His life for His kallah.

The Blessing 

This Bride and Groom were given the blessing of the Father when He said, “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over (it)….” Genesis 1:28

These are all characteristics of the image of God placed within mankind.

  • Unconditional Love
  • Sacrifice
  • Giving

Father God, Lord of Heaven and Earth,

May I be found faithful in all things so You can use me as an ambassador of Christ!


Yvonne Jones