Category Archives: Diving Deeper

Love Is Letting Go 


John 13:27 And when Judas had taken the morsel, Satan entered him. Then, Jesus said to him, “What you do, do quickly.” (NASV)

Love is Letting Go 

Free will. A gift from God to mankind. Love and devotion can not be required and still be of our own free will. Yet, so often we question the Creator because He is sovereign and knows what our choices will be and REFUSES to get in our way. Make no mistake: The choice between obedience and love or disobedience and self-love is ours alone to decide. Jesus said, “Follow me.” Twelve followed for three years and at the end of that three years, one intentionally walked away. He chose the enemy of mankind over the Savior of the world.

Judas’ Free Will

Jesus knew from the beginning who would be used to bring about His death. It was not Judas alone! The Scribes, Pharisees, the mob, Pilate, and the soldiers all played a part. But, Judas had called himself a disciple and friend. Rejection. Betrayal. Lies. The love of money, power, control were the bait into the enemy’s trap (“the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life”- I John 2:16). Judas’ choice cost him his physical life and his eternal fate was sealed with his last breath. No remorse, no seeking forgiveness. The purser of the band of twelve bought his ticket to hell for thirty pieces of silver: the price of a slave.

Our Choice

It is in Judas we see clearly our choice: Christ or the world. Single hearted devotion or all the world seems to offer. Peace or Fear. Life or death. Forgiveness or condemnation. Belonging or loneliness. Being cherished or abused.

Eternity is the destination for us all

I once read this profound statement: “This world can be the only hell I ever experience or the only heaven I will ever know. The choice is mine alone.” Think about this long and hard. Eternity has a destination for all of us. Yes, this world was created as a paradise, but it quickly became a place of disability, disease, destruction, and death. Not at all what the Father intended for His children.

Jesus lets us go

When Judas made his decision to walk away, Jesus did not bar the door, beg and plead for him to reconsider, or give him one hundred reasons to stay. He looked at him, I believe, with tears in His loving eyes and said, “goodbye.” He let him go! He knew the sting of his betraying kiss even before it was delivered. And still He let Judas go……..

Prodigal Son Let Go

There is a saying, “If you love something, let it go. If it is meant to be yours it will come back to you.” The father of the prodigal son knew this. He let the son go…………… It was painful. For an extended period of time, the father endured a time with no word or knowledge of the son’s whereabouts. Silence was all the father had. The father’s love for his son, opened his hands and let the son gol He gave the son a choice.

You alone decide

We have a free will. Our choices are our own. The results of those decisions are also ours. The most important decision we make will determine our eternal destiny. The love of God for His ultimate creation is unfathomable. He opens His mighty hands and His heart says, “You alone decide.” Love is letting go of control. Today, let go and let God. Give Him control over your life. Choose love. The prodigal returned home to the father’s open arms. So can we!

Letting Go has Eternal Consequences

Our love for Christ gives us the courage to let go and place our lives in His hands. Here is where we find the meaning of yada. The Bride is FREE to choose this Bridegroom or to let Him go. Just remember, letting go has eternal consequences.


Lord our God, King of the Universe,

Thank you for standing on the hill and watching for our return! Forgive us when we let go of Your love and go our own way. This Lord is LOVE! You allow us to choose for ourselves whether we will love You or ourselves. Today, our Father, we choose YOU!

Yvonne Jones