Category Archives: Diving Deeper

Love is Sacrifice

I Loved You from An Old Rugged Cross


Background Scripture

Genesis 1:24  And God said, “let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind,” and it was so.

Genesis 1:27  So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he  him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Exodus 40:35-Leviticus 1:1-2  And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle…….. And (the LORD) called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation saying, “Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, ‘If any man of you bring an offering unto the LORD, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock.’”

Light Bulb Moments

Have you ever wondered about something and the dots didn’t line up? Then, you read something, hear a sermon, a song, or watch something and the light bulb in your head FINALLY connects with the Source.  Eureka!  The light comes on and understanding is yours.  I am always amazed at how events line up for this to occur.  Proof positive the inquiry was heard, acknowledged, and the answer’s timing was perfect.  God communicates with His curious child: this child!

Sacrifice Always Has Purpose

It was Passover week.  The week celebrated by Israelites annually, since their deliverance from Egypt after 400 years of slavery.  It was at Passover the process of God making the nation of Israel His very own (wife) began.    (Isaiah 54:5)  

Passover began the scheduled sacrificial offerings that would last until 70 A.D. when the temple was destroyed and not one stone was left standing upon another.  (Daniel 9:26; Matthew 24:2; Mark 13:2; Luke 19:44, 21:6, 20)  Christians remember three days of Jesus’ sacrifice as the Lamb of God.   Both Jews and Christians focus on love, sacrifice, and forgiveness of sin.

Learning from the Rabbi’s

Several months ago, I read a blog from The Temple Institute (March 19, 2021/Nisan 6, 5781)  It was based on the daily Torah reading from Leviticus known to Jews as Viyikra.  What really caught my attention was the writer stating that Leviticus “continues the love story begun in Exodus between God and His people.”  Leviticus is all about the sacrifices at the tabernacle/temple and God’s expectations of these people He has chosen to be “set apart:” 

Vayikra (And He Called)


The Rabbi writing this blog explains why the sacrifice of an animal was required in a way I finally understood!  I am going to quote this verbatim.  Read it slowly and let this soak into your soul.  This excerpt explains why Jesus was required to sacrifice His life for His Bride.  Love equals sacrifice.  It is the path we follow to return to the Garden.  (This is deep, so it may take several times to grasp it!)

“ The first lesson of a relationship is that both parties need to be present.  The space that Israel created for G-d by devoting themselves entirely to fulfilling G-d’s will (the building of the Tabernacle) is now filled with G-d’s infinite Presence, leaving no room for Moshe (Moses) let alone Israel, let alone man.   (remember Jews refuse to say God for fear of using His name inappropriately)  Now it is G-d’s turn to make room for man, and this is the secret of the opening verse of Vayikra (Leviticus), which means ‘And He called.’  The secret is not a mystery but Divine, Omnipresent modesty:  by not being named, G-d is, in effect, drawing back, minimizing His infinite Presence and making room for man, allowing Moshe to enter into the Tabernacle and begin the new, intimate relationship with G-d which will transpire within the Tabernacle curtains.  Only when we diminish our ego, our own self-importance, our own will, can we allow another to enter into our realm–and begin a relationship.  This is the book of Vayikra’s first lesson-how to let G-d- into our world.  And it is G-d who teaches this lesson by making space for Moshe to enter into the glory-filled Tabernacle.

How do we express our love for G-d while at the same time remaining open to receive G-d’s love for us?  THIS is the secret of the Tabernacle offerings, whose very name, in Hebrew, korbanot, means, literally, to draw near.   With every offering (sacrifice) we make we are drawing nearer to HaShem!  G-d’s first message to Moshe, ‘Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: When a man from among you brings near an offering to HaShem from the animal…’ reveals a second mystery of how to make love: Man (in Hebrew Adam), we know, was created from the dust of the earth, from the material, animated with an animal life force and, finally breathed into by G-d with the living soul, a spark of the Divine, becoming a living vessel for an infinitesimal part of HaShem.  When Man, who is part animal and part Divine, offers up to G-d his animal self, that which he holds back from G-d, he is immediately lifted up and can draw nearer to G-d.  This is the fundamental dynamic of the Temple offering.  By releasing our ego, our bestial self-obsession, our material, weighty ballast, we can rise up and engage our Maker.  Needless to say, our all too human errors, transgressions, mistakes, and sins, which we accumulate along the way, are part and parcel of the earthly burden that we incinerate upon the altar when making an offering to G-d.  This act must be matched by emotional and spiritual intent.  The physical act of making an offering is not enough.  Our heart and soul must be invested entirely, part and parcel of the offering itself.  

We are so far removed today from the reality of the Torah-mandated offerings that it is well nigh impossible to begin to understand how they work, let alone comprehend what effect they can have on our very being, or how we see ourselves, others, G-d.    (all the emphasis is mine)

Our Sacrifice

Jesus IS our Passover Lamb.  He CHOSE to become like us–dust of the earth.  Christ alone is the sacrifice we bring.   The Savior is laying down mankind’s beastly self (dust) and drawing us near to the Father.  His sacrifice allows us Divine access, and the Divine fills us with His glory.   The beastly becomes pure beauty.   We replace the “me” of my will, with the You of His will!  God makes us “pure of heart by His sovereign grace, but we have something to look after– this bodily life.”  Our inner sanctuary must match our outer courts in perfect harmony.  We bring our sacrifice in through the outer courts, laying down all and we enter into the holy place to be alone with Almighty God our Father.  (My Utmost for His Highest, March 26)  This is a pure delight to both God and man. Jesus said, “And I if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.”  (John 12:32)  “It is FINISHED!”  (John 19:30)  The offering was completed.   The kallah’s mohar (Bride’s price) was paid! (More about this later)

Love is Sacrifice

Love is a personal relationship shown in sacrifice and separation:  mental, emotional, physical, moral, spiritual, and is not affected by miles or millennia.  We go in with eyes wide open.  Heart revealed.  Nothing hidden or withheld.  Complete relinquishment to the desires of the One loved.  Fully present!   Love is sacrifice: Once and for all time.  Will you sacrifice for the Bridegroom?


Use your voice and these words as your prayer today.  (Tissue Alert)