Category Archives: Diving Deeper

Love is Jesus, Our Bridegroom

Just As I Am instrumental


Father, Lord God of Heaven and Earth,    Come and make Yourself known.  We want only you!  All of You.  We hold nothing back from You and receive all You give.    We are here to Love, Honor, Obey.  In Jesus’ name,  Amen.

Love Is…..

Agape.  We hear this word in Christian circles, ALOT!  It is love originating from God.  It is unconditional. It comes from a place deep inside; is permanent and not subject to the whims of nature, and requires a deep knowing (intimacy shared by two).  This love grows deeper, richer, stronger over time and is protective, provisionary, and promotes growth.  Agape takes us as we are but refuses to leave us as we were.  Love like this is yada: open-handed praise and acceptance of all that is given as good, even when it hurts.

Love Isn’t…

Recently, my BFF and I were reminiscing about our early dating lives.  As we were talking, she looked at me and she said, “You really dodged a bullet with that one!”  She was speaking of my first love.  Why did she say this in a deadly serious tone?  Because the love was very one-sided.  This heart-throb of mine was not protective, certainly did not promote my growth as a human being, and was not based on mutual acceptance:  Me changing and conforming was the expectation–and not for the better.  In other words, I would not be the person I am today!  The relationship offered no encouragement to grow and develop into a better person, there was no comfort for failures, losses, disappointments, or in sickness.  It was a controlling relationship.  We had no spiritual connection!  NO forgiveness for my shortcomings was extended;  no “atta girl” when I was successful.  There was criticism of me, my beliefs, my hopes, my dreams, and aspirations.  But boy did we have fun together.  We played but never prayed.

They say love is blind.  I would say, my love wasn’t blind, but, it was quick to overlook problems, rationalize and justify his actions, and offer forgiveness for what was not even seen by the forgiven as a problem.  Remember, love offers forgiveness before it is even asked for or needed.

Love Experienced

I can hear you saying, “What on earth were you thinking?”  My answer, “I wasn’t!  I was just feeling and learning.”  I gleaned much from this relationship.  I learned love can be one-sided.  This love taught me this: real love is forever even if the relationship changes.  Love has a spiritual basis that requires nurture.  I am forever grateful for this experience!  

The song is often sung during times of “gospel invitation” is Just As I Am.  But I recently came across a song penned by Eliza H. Hamilton, wife of Alexander Hamilton (of Revolutionary War Era fame), titled Take Me As I Am.  It is in the Salvation Army Hymnal, NOT the song sung by Faith Hill.  The refrain is the cry of many a heart seeking love and acceptance:

 O take me as I am,

O take me as I am,

My only plea Christ died for me;

O take me as I am.

Love is Jesus

True Love is what our Bridegroom does!  He takes and accepts us as we are!  We are not required to be more, better, prettier, smarter, thriftier, thinner, younger, holier, or any otherness.  He says “come just as you are!”  Love (who Jesus is) is saying, “Come, yes you, come just as you are!”

Love Requires

Jesus then asks us to love a dying world like He first loved us!  JUST AS WE WERE!  Not blindly.  Love with our eyes wide open and love them anyway!  Take Them As They Are!  Without judgment!  Then, let the Holy Spirit of God worry about changing them from the inside out and conforming them into the likeness of His Son.   It is HIS responsibility, not mine! Not yours!  Ours is to love them enough to say, “Come and see!” (Matthew 28:16-20) Follow the example of the early disciples who had no idea what they were doing, only that the long-awaited Messiah had come.  (John 1:39-42; 4:29)  The woman at the well told all of Samaria to come and meet a man who “knew everything she had ever done and accepted her anyway.” (John 4:29) This can be our approach.  

When we love someone, we want to tell others about it!  We are unable to keep it to ourselves.  Love is……” The knowledge that God has loved me to the uttermost, to the end of all my sin and meanness and selfishness and wrong, will send me forth into the world to love in the same way.”  Oswald Chambers.

Love is sharing good news and His name is Jesus. 

 Just As I Am by David Phelps


Yvonne Jones