Category Archives: Diving Deeper

Word for the Year: Faith


Focus for the Year

For the last several years I have chosen a word to be the focus of my year:  Gratitude.  Be Still.  Harvest.  Surrender, to name a few.


2020 was a year I would not like to repeat.  It was hard, lonely, not as productive as I would have liked, and it was painful and filled with much grief.  A friend told me today, “If you think 2020 was bad, wait til she turns 21 and can drink!”  How is that for a down right scary thought!!!


What will 2021 hold.  Uncertainty seems to be the obvious answer.  Will we have a new norm?  Uncertain, I think would be the consensus to describe our new norm.  So, what word would help me navigate uncertain times?


Faith.  “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.”  Walking in faith takes courage.  It requires stamina.  Trust is an absolute requirement.  (Hebrews 11:1)

Jesus told Thomas, we are blessed if we believe and have not one bit of tangible, visible proof.  (John 20:29)

Faith is hard when NOTHING can be seen, heard, experienced, or touched for all you desire.  Healing. Prosperity.  Reconciliation.  Forgiveness.  It is hard because it really is out of our control.


Most of the miracles performed by Christ had to do with healing.  Any prayer group will tell you this is the number one prayer request.  Healing of a loved one, of self, of a horse, cat, dog, etc..  But, Jesus raised the dead to life.  He forgave sin.  The Savior broke hell wide open and released captives.  The Christ calms storms, multiplies bread, turns water to wine.  Jesus walked into lives and NOTHING remained the same.  “Get used to different,” was His attitude.


(Quote from The Chosen)

Faith in Jesus was the power required for Peter to walk on water; Mary to direct the servants to do whatever He said; Mary and Martha to send for Jesus; a centurion to say, “just speak Lord and it will be done.”  (Matthew 14:29; John 2:5; John 11:3; Matthew 8:13)

Faith in God’s Word

I thought I had a lot of faith.  HAD is the operative word.  I no longer think this.  Why?  Several years ago my faith began to be tried by fire.  Like patriarchs of scripture, the LORD gave me a word and now a quarter of a century later I still see NO evidence of this coming to pass.  It was a good word.  A word I clung to during difficult times.  A word of hope for a bright and productive future with positive results for the kingdom of God.  Several times during those years of waiting, it was as if God pulled the curtain back and let me glimpse the future He foretold.  Then, the glass I was viewing through shattered into a hundred thousand shards ripping my heart from my chest and leaving me breathless.  The only thing working were my tear ducts.  

Where is the promise?  Why now?  Lord, what are You doing?  Are You seriously letting this happen?  Have I not endured enough??  Questions hurled angrily at my Father‘s throne.  Searching for answers because what was happening made no sense to me.  How could this possibly work out for good and build a testimony that would bring glory to His name?  Then, I remembered a lesson the Lord had taught me:  The Lord’s ways are NOT my ways!  God’s ways “don’t make no sense!”

I still see no “improvement” in the situation.  If anything, it just keeps getting worse.  Relationships are suffering.  Animosity grows.  Hope fades like a dying flame.  

Faith: God’s Promises

I need FAITH!  I read, “faith is a gift from God.”  Lord, give me FAITH to believe, “help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).  I really do believe His promise to me.  It is day to day challenges and hurts causing me to be tossed about like a boat on a stormy sea.  I must take my thoughts captive to stay out of doubts bottomless pit of despair.  (II Cor 10:5). I may NEVER see His promise come but I KNOW it will come.  Abraham never saw all the promise God made to him.  He only saw the beginning.  God keeps His promises!  (I Cor 1:9; Joshua 21:45; Jeremiah 1:12; Ezekiel 12:28; Philippians 1:6)

Battle for More Faith

It is said, “the enemy’s favorite place to play is in our mind.”  A doubt here; a fear there.  The flaming arrows of hurts and insults extinguished only by the armor of God.  Unforgiveness plants seeds that grow bitterness wrapping their relentless tentacles around our hearts and mind.  (Eph 4:31) Our battle really is not with others but is a spiritual battle won in the closet of prayer.  (Eph 6:12)   These thoughts must be pulled out by the roots, flung into the fire of passion for Christ, and destroyed completely. (II Cor 10:5)   The enemy loves to ask:  “Did God really say?”  The answer is “YES HE DID!”  (Genesis 3:1)

I want to move mountains into the sea.  Faith is required.  Requesting and seeing healing-Faith is mandatory.  Walking on water?  Get out of the safety of the boat! To walk through the fire of adversity, or  arouse passion for and in Christ.  Ask the Lord for F-A-I-T-H!.   I desire to live like the disciples.  So, faith is not optional!

Word for 2021

The year of gratitude brought healing of a broken heart.  The year of be still turned into three years of “be still.”  The year of harvest, I saw no evidence of harvest in my personal or professional life.  That doesn’t mean there was none. The year of surrender was a slug fest in my spirit. This year:  I want my faith to become as solid as John the Beloved.  I desire to be a vessel worthy of His trust and to write His words only.  I will wait expectantly for His return. 

What will your word be for 2021?  Choose carefully!


Word  by Hawk Nelson

Yvonne Jones