Category Archives: Diving Deeper

History Orchestrated #4  The Chosen TSO concert footage

Luke 1:37  “For with God NOTHING will be impossible.”

Luke 2:6-13 

vs 12  “And this shall be the sign to you:  You shall find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”  

History of Angel Proclamations

History Orchestrated through Angelic proclamations.  The LORD has been silent for four hundred years and now in less than two years time the angel, Gabriel, has jockeyed back and forth from the throne of God to earth to deliver messages of impossibilities:  First to a priest, then a young teenage girl, an engaged man from Nazareth, and now some shepherds.

Angels Concert

In Robby Gallaty’s book, The Forgotten Jesus, he quotes  Dwight Pryor, “Shepherds were detestable and unreliable.  They were regarded as thieves.  The only people lower than shepherds were lepers.”  But, these are not ordinary shepherds.  These are Levitical shepherds.  They tend the sheep used for sacrifice in the Temple.  They ensure they are without spot or blemish.   These shepherds are out with the sheep on a Judean hillside when their ordinary evening becomes extraordinary.  An angel makes a spectacular announcement and then a host of angels fill the sky!  The night explodes with light and song.  They make a TSO Christmas concert pale in comparison.  Angels bring the message from GOD to GO!  GO to find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes.  What??  Who wraps a baby in swaddling clothes and puts them in a manger (feed trough)?

History: Angelic Directions

Just what are swaddling clothes?  According to the Mishnah they are the strips of cloth used for the lampstand wicks in the Temple and wrappings for baby lambs to prevent injury as they learn to stand, walk, and run.  They protect the limbs of the sacrificial lambs.  These strips of cloth are made from the clothing worn by the High Priest.  God’s instructions were very explicit on how these garments were to be worn and then disposed of.  (Leviticus 16:4; Ezekiel 42:14 & 44:15-19)  In the Hebrew, the word used for these cloths is the same as burial shrouds.

Many scholars believe the swaddling clothes Mary used to wrap her baby were given to her by Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist.  They also believe Mary and Joseph found refuge for the birth of Jesus in a cave in the Judean hills of Bethlehem used by the Levitical shepherds in the birthing of the sacrificial lambs.  A place dedicated for this special purpose and considered “clean.” History orchestrated four hundred years ago down to the smallest detail.

History: Importance of the Smallest Detail

Babies were not “normally” wrapped in swaddling clothes.  These lowly shepherds would have INSTANTLY understood the implication of this birth.  This child IS the Messiah. The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and the Light of the world.  (John 1:29, 8:12; Rev 21:23)

History orchestrated before the foundations of planet earth were spoken into existence.  Foretold by the prophets.  Proclaimed by angels.  Seen by shepherds, priests, and ordinary men.  Recorded by disciples.  Nothing has been left to chance.  No detail too small.  All has significance.  The fullness of time has come and we beheld His glory.

Light of the World, by Lauren Daigle

Christmas blessings,



The Forgotten Jesus by Robby Gallaty, The Significance of Swaddling, pgs 78-79

According to White Feather Ministries (   The garments of the high priest are “left” in the place he takes them off (Lev 16.23). The garments of the priests, like the leggings and the sash, are used for wicks for the great lights at Sukkot called the “Light of the World.” These garments were called “swaddling clothes.” This alludes to the fact that Yeshua was born at Sukkot, and the “light of the world” was wrapped in swaddling clothes (Luke 2.12). The tunics were used to make wicks for the Menorah, which had to stay lit at all times. Fresh oil and wicks had to be replaced in the morning and the afternoon in order to keep them lit.