Category Archives: Diving Deeper

Woman Behind the Mask: Proverbs 31




Proverbs 31: Woman behind the mask.

Proverbs 31


Who is the woman behind the mask? It was hard to tell before Covid-19, but now, we have to look deeper to see the true nature of the woman behind the mask.  The masks look very similar!

On FaceBook I read this: “Every woman is a Marilyn. The trick is to figure out if she is a Manson or a Monroe!”  As I thought it would add a bit of humor to a friend of mine’s day I sent it in Messenger along with “I am not gonna ask which you think I am!”  This was the response:  “Six of one, half dozen of the other.”  Not exactly a glowing compliment!!! But it was quite a light bulb moment of how others may view me: Monster or Muse, not the mask I want to wear.  (I have no idea why Marilyn Manson was used as part of the analogy, since this Marilyn is a man????  But the lesson is the same.)

Proverbs 31 woman

The woman of Proverbs 31 is the exact opposite of these two.  In truth, “Marilyn” is the harlot, the immoral, evil  woman, the temptress, the unwise woman spoken of throughout Proverbs.  This is the type of woman the prince is being warned about repeatedly by his grandmother!  But, the woman (Bride) God desires for His Son IS the Proverbs 31 woman. This is the lady a mother prays for her son to find. Why?  Because this woman has WISDOM: Moxie! Smarts! Skills! Understands people! Knows when to keep her mouth shut!  She wears no mask! 

The bride

The church is called the bride. I fear the church is more a “Marilyn” than a woman of merit.  Think about the two Marilyns: the reputation they have. Would you want either for your son?  Of course not! The church of Jesus Christ today is like the churches of Revelation that Jesus was against in principle.

I heard a pastor speaking about the bride (church) and he stated her wedding dress is made of her righteous acts. Are any of the acts of either Marilyn righteous? No mama in her right mind would think so!

So, thank you my friend for your candor! I would not be hearing “you are the fairest of them all,” should I ask my mirror Cinderella’s stepmother’s question.    I now know what I must do. 

What does your mirror answer to the question, “Who’s the fairest of them all?” 


Proverbs 31 will answer the question, “What does the Bride look like?  She is unmasked because she is transparent.  Her life is a testimony of dignity and grace.  The actions of her life personify all Proverbs has taught:  fear of the LORD, wisdom, industry, courage, faith,  a mouth that speaks blessing and truth, eyes shining with love and kindness, hands filled with generosity, a family clothed, fed, and nurtured every day, and she herself is clothed in modesty and purity.

The only Marilyn I have known was like this maskless beauty!  She is now with her LORD and she is once more skipping, singing, and sooo happy to be whole.  Her last name also started with a “M”.  It was Mangum which is from the Gaelic (she could be fierce).  



Do you know a Proverbs 31 woman?  Would you honor her and let her know she is seen and her life makes a difference in yours?  Unmask the beauty of her life by sending her a note, a token of your esteem, or simply call her and tell her.  Be an encourager today, not a verbal monster or muse (self proclaimed goddess) interested only in self.







Unmasked by Sarah Drageyt

Yvonne Jones