Category Archives: Weekend Wanderings

Hanging by a Thread

I have learned to be more observant and appreciate the millions of gifts we are given by our loving heavenly Father every day. I always thought I was observant and thankful but a study on gratitude showed me just how NOT grateful I was and how obtunded I could be. Really an eye opening lesson. (Not pleasant at all!)

In the cool of the very early morning this week I had another “encounter” much like my “dancing dust” (August 17, 2015). I was walking my elderly Bichon and enjoying the lack of deep south humidity. I was suddenly mesmerized by a single leaf hanging by an iridescent strand and gently moving in the almost imperceptible breeze. The strand was so long I was unable to see its point of origin high in the tree.

Is this where the line, “hanging by a thread,” came from? This thread should not have been able to support the weight of the leaf and with the movement you would think it would cause the strand to break but it held securely. In fact, it was still hanging when I woke up several hours later and it had rained adding weight to the load. The leaf was held by an unseen force.

The strength of the strand was incomprehensible. The dangling leaf, despite its journey coming to a close was caught and held, suspended to complete the mission it was intended for when the Lord created it–show me an object lesson on how He holds me firmly in His hand and I will not fall until my assigned mission is complete.

Are you like me “hanging by a thread?” Are you panicking in the breeze fearing the thread will break and let you tumble into a place you will never rise from?

Psalm 136:12 reads He acted with a strong hand and powerful arm. His faithful love endures forever.” NLT

and I Peter 5:6 tells us: “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.”

Even when we hang by a thread, He has us securely in His mighty hand. We need not fear. We have been lifted up out of the water and are just parasailing to get a better view! Enjoy the ride!


Hanging high above the unseen dangers.. Safe and secure!

Sailing and suspended,



Prayer for those hanging by a thread:

Father, I bow my heart before you alone. Lord, thank you for your patience as I practice poorly this fasting and praying for those gripped by ________________________. Father, families who have never experienced this cannot understand and the families who have become empathetic, reclusive or intolerant. Father, make my family empathetic–soften our hurting hearts to see the pain of others struggling with similar issues and help us reach out to offer comfort, support, and understanding.

Your Word says the grip of this kind of bondage is broken only by prayer and fasting. Lord, You relented because of the prayers and tears of your servants. I ask You to relent in these situations to bring the captivity to an end because You have seen our tears and heard our prayers. Return the prodigals, break the addictions, heal the mental illness, free the chains of sin. Bring these our loved ones home from wherever they are, restore our families that we might serve you. Place within them a heart of flesh and draw them first and foremost to Your throne for forgiveness and healing. Shepherd them, feed them, sing over them, restore to them the joy of their salvation, and Lord give us all rest.

Lord, I ask your blessings on their families. Honor their faith in ways that will astonish them. Give their testimonies voice to Your power and victory over all that evil has tried to steal. Draw others to Your side through the testimonies of these who wait as patiently as they can for the answers to their heart cries. Do what ONLY You can do in these situations for the good of all involved and Your glory.

For those abused in the struggle, Lord, I pray you would heal the gaping wounds of broken hearts and spirits, give new life, bring renewed determination to be faithful in all that You have taught them to this point in their journey with You.

Break the powerful addictions of drugs, alcohol, pornography, shopping, social media, and anything else that captivates and takes You off the throne of our hearts. Reveal the lies, break the bondage of pleasing others who are demanding and manipulative and demeaning.

Lord, thank you for hearing this prayer and for dispatching Your angels to minister to these broken and hurting lives. Lord, we know the battle is great but You are greater still.

(prayer based on scriptures: Jeremiah 26:19, II Chronicles 32:26, Exodus 32:14, Jeremiah 33:16, Jeremiah 24:7, Zephaniah 3:17, Mark 9:29, Psalm 23)