Category Archives: Well-Watered Garden

Eden to Paradise: Anointed, Redeemed and Free

Jesus was anointed set men free

From Eden to Paradise

It all began in the garden of Eden. A perfect place, two completely perfect people who were living in harmony with each other, the land and their God.

However, there was one sneaky serpent who entered the picture. He came to , destroy their wonderful environment through deception and temptation. This serpent who had once been the worship leader in heaven, an angel with the perfect job in heaven! His desire to be “like God” was a temptation to great. His fall from heaven affected all of mankind.

In spite of this perfect place the man and women were given, the temptation to have more was too much. They succumbed to the temptation and the rest is history.

Consequently, mankind would need redemption. We would need a Savior who could redeem our fallen state. God had a plan! Jesus!

Later I find Isaiah’s words quoted by Jesus in His hometown.

Luke 4:14-21 Jesus gives His hometown crowd in the synagogue the first revelation of His public ministry. “This is why I have come.”

I might have been just as skeptical as the crowds , if someone from our hometown declared from the pulpit to be the “anointed one or the chosen one.”


In the Greek, the word is “chino” to rub or smear in order to consecrate one for service.

The concept of “anointing” first came from the shepherds caring for their sheep. They would anoint the heads of the sheep in order to keep lice and other parasites from burrowing in the ears and eventually killing the animal.

Anointing came to symbolize blessing, protection and empowerment.

The idea that Jesus would stand and read and then declared himself to be the chosen one enraged the religious leaders. Why? The chapter from Isaiah 61 was known by them to be the prophets announcement of the Messiah! For centuries the Jews had prayed for the Messiah to come but not as a babe in a manger. Jews certainly did not expect the Messiah to come as a simple builder from Joseph’s house. Religious leader understood this anointing to be used for a king, a prophet or a builder. Jesus, Messiah, King of the Jews? The Spirit of the Trinity anointing someone from Nazareth? This was blasphemy!

As I studied what upset them, I found Isaiah 61 and Luke 4 was foretelling that Messiah would come as the King of the Jews which of course they later labeled Jesus at Golgotha.

Finally, what has this to do with me today? Does this passage describe what I am to do as anointed Christ follower?

We also have an anointing. When Jesus left this earthly dwelling, He sent the Holy Spirit to “anoint” us for service.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

21 Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, 22 who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit anointing our hearts as a pledge.