

Hebrew 6:19 We have an anchor steadfast and sure

Anchors Away

This summer while at the beach, we watched as four sailboats headed out to open water. They had the sails up blowing in the wind taking them on a end-of-summer weekend. When they almost reached the horizon, they let down the sails and anchored for the night. We imagined late-night dinners and laughter as the moon began to creep up over the water. We could see the lights throughout the night signaling they were enjoying the mild nights.

I began thinking of anchoring in the deep dark water. Would the anchor hold? Would the winds cause them to drift further out? Could they be lost at sea?

Anchors in life

We need anchors in our lives also. What do we hold on to for security in a world that is changing so quickly? Our security can not be dependent on the government. We need not think money will keep us secure.

We need a hope that is steadfast and secure. Hebrews 6:19 tells us,” We have an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast.”

When our circumstances are out of control whether it is a disaster, weather or humanity gone awry, we find our hope in Jesus Christ. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus longs for a relationship with each person. His Word is our guide for living in chaotic times.

Today throw out that anchor. Trust in Jesus to hold you secure.

Billy Graham Crusades –My Anchor Holds

Check your anchor. Hold on to the promises. Be sure and grip The Solid Rock.

George Beverly Shea- In Times Like These

Freda Reynolds.


Additional reading that will remind you. by Sharon Cox

He Hasn’t Forgotten You

The Billy Graham crusades sang one of the favorite hymns of all times.

In Times Like These you need a Savior,

In times like these you need an anchor.

This Rock is Jesus, Yes He’s the one.

Check your anchor. Hold on to the promises. Be sure and grip The Solid Rock.

George Beverly Shea- In Times Like These

Freda Reynolds.


Additional reading that will remind you. by Sharon Cox

He Hasn’t Forgotten You