Stringing Pearls

Stringing Pearls.

Stringing Pearls

The classic rabbinical way to teach is using a method called “stringing pearls.” (Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberg) Bits of wisdom, theology, and law strung together over time to create a “strand” of exquisite beauty and simplicity “by forcing the audience to LISTEN ATTENTIVELY and quickly leapfrog across scripture to catch the preacher’s point.” (Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberbg) Each “pearl” is secured by a knot of love. When this is done, “the words themselves become so excited to be together that they burst into flames.” Each time this happens the HOLY SPIRIT reveals a new truth, gives understanding, or convicts a heart. The Words of God burst into flame within the human heart.

Bride’s Jewelry

Becoming the Bride of Christ is like stringing pearls. It begins when you see the Bridegroom for the first time and something in your heart quickens. You know somehow this One is different from all the other potential suitors. Now you know, this is “The One and Only” and your heart’s desire is to make Him your very own. It is love at first sight for you, but He has loved you since before time began.

I have wondered for years why this analogy. A bride and a groom are used in scripture to show us the red thread of redemption woven through all God does. From Adam and Eve in the Garden to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb: Every single thing the Father does is to bring this Bride to His one and only Son. It is becoming more clear every day; The wedding celebration is about to begin.

I believe this strand of pearls is made of multiple strings: A Jewish Wedding is the foundation for understanding all of Scripture, the Bride’s preparation and the Groom’s responsibilities all tied together to become one exquisite piece given to the Bride by the Prince of Peace.

Lessons on pearls

Each lesson is a pearl on one of the strands. Every pearl is a masterpiece of creation. The pearls are created under adverse conditions: in deep, cold water inside a dark place. This gem is only revealed in death when the host is harvested, cut open, and its life extinguished. The creation of this long difficult process is a perfect sphere of luminescent white. Its size depends on how long the process has taken. Each begins as a single grain of sand, some small irritation to the host.

What is the small irritation the Father is using to build a gem in you to leave behind? It is as different as the host itself. The death of the host is no longer avoided because this is when the pearl is revealed and given. The sacrifice of your life for sharing the treasure with another.

This gem of the deep is forged under God’s sovereign, watchful care.

For This One Pearl by Dennis Jernigan