Life of Love


Life of Love

Life of Love

How do I describe a life lived surrounded by love? Fairy tale? Charmed? Lucky? I say “BLESSED beyond measure!”

Loved by Parents

My parents loved me. I was given a home filled with encouragement, opportunities to explore, provided a roof, food, education, and an example of what a good work ethic looked like. I was loved for who I am, encouraged to pursue my passions, held to high moral standards, and expected to strive for excellence

When my Daddy accepted the Lord, he lived for Him as openly and unapologetically as he had lived his former colorful life. Later, I would learn the Lord doesn’t change who He creates us to be just how that creature is directed. The last time I heard him pray was in church and the Holy Spirit fell heavily and tangibly. My parents lived their faith every day not by preaching but by their daily lives. After he suddenly died when I was only eighteen, my mom became destined to become my mentor as a woman of Scripture and in widowhood. These two had had difficult childhoods and gave me the very best they could. They determined their children would always have a mom and dad.

Love of Siblings

I have three siblings. They are scattered all over the nation and my precious nieces and nephews are across the globe. I rarely hear from them, but we KNOW we love each other. Each comes running when needed. We know who to call to support our kids and who has our back. We may say stuff about each other but heaven help anyone else who says an unkind word about us. We learned loyalty and love in our home.

Loving Husband

I had the best husband. Perfect? No, but perfect for me. He loved me fiercely and he provided for our family and always put our needs above his own. He loved the Lord and prayed a hedge of protection around his family before we opened our eyes every day!!! 34 years was not enough but I am thankful for every single day. I was his queen and my wish was his command. An officer in the USAF and a gentleman of Southern novel fame was his character..

Loving Children and Grandchildren

My children are amazing! I know all moms think that, but seriously, how many moms can say that they hear from their grown children nearly every day? We must have done something good however, I don’t know what! I know I am loved and supported even if they disagree with me wholeheartedly. If I call, they come running and will do anything I ask.

I have two gorgeous, super smart, funny, and strong willed granddaughters. They love me, hug me, call me, share their lives with me, and recently I was blessed with a great granddaughter who is happy and makes me smile on the rare day I want to stay in bed and cover my head.

Loving Friends

My friends are the best! The Bible says if you have one friend you are blessed. Well, I am the richest girl in the world! I have been blessed with a friend in every place I have ever lived and they have remained loyal for life! My friends bless me continually. I have a prayer team called the Granny Squad and these women pray with Holy Spirit power over grandchildren. And, I am on two prayer chains with two groups of women who know how to pray for healing, salvation, wisdom.. I have besties on earth and in glory (the price of getting older). My friends have laughed with me, cried with me, been at my side as I buried my parents, my husband, friends, and others I love. My friends span decades older and younger. Each adds color and joy to my life.

Loved by God

The Father in Heaven has been very good to me! I have been loved in this life. God has loved me deeply and profoundly through people. He has allowed me to love them and be a small part of their spiritual journey.

Today is a day to celebrate love. I thank my God for each and every expression of love that has been shown to me. Each has been treasured in my heart. Each memory brings a smile. I do not know what tomorrow holds but I trust Who holds tomorrow and as the song says, “if it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, I was loved by you.” Collin Raye In This Life

In My Father’s house there are many mansions! I HOPE yours is next to mine! Great grief is required when love is great. I have grieved much because I have loved much! Thank you Lord for blessing me with so much love!!!

Yvonne, aka, Von, Ms Von, Bebon, Beebs, and Daughter of the Most High God