Tag Archives: advent


Hope of the World
by Freda Reynolds

Little baby in a manger
Born to be a world changerimage02

The Angels gathered round
Voices raised a glorious sound
The shepherds joined this wondrous sight
And worshiped the child who’d save their plight


Long before this child arrived
God’s promise had survived
The promise in a garden given
Redemption’s plan to be forgiven

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This baby in a manger laid
For our sin the Savior paid
God’s promises are sure
Though sometimes seem obscure


Through ages His story divine
God’s love for mankind did shine
In expectation we now yearn
The time will come for His return


Little baby in a manger
Soon again to be world changer


Many missed this, the miracle of his first arrival. His next return could be soon. Now is the time to awaken from our slumber. Jesus will return for His Bride, the church. Prophecies have been fulfilled. Any day, any hour the eastern sky could open and the trumpet sound. At this time of the year, I hope we will truly focus on the true meaning of Christmas. The true hope of the world is our only hope for the coming days.

Advent means “coming” in Latin. In the Christmas season, we should be preparing, celebrating and eagerly awaiting the return “coming” of the Christ, the baby in the manger who came to “save the people from their sin.”


In our ladies’ event this week, we sang a song that should stir us as we think about this baby in a manger. That sweet little baby will one day be our judge. Don’t be lulled to sleep by the world’s philosophies.


While you were sleeping – Casting Crowns