Tag Archives: anticipation of Messiah

Advent Day One- The anticipation of the coming Messiah



The picture is courtesy of NASA and Hubble http://w3ace.com/stardust/scripture/book/Micah/2

Today it the first day of Advent. The first 25 days before Christmas. This year we will be posting each day a verse for reflection. This is to help us focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Our regular posted Monday, Wednesday and Thursday will remain the same format but we want you to enjoy a verse of scripture and a song of praise each day with us. We love and appreciate the comments so much. They encourage and let us know someone is listening hopefully to the Savior’s call on their life. The comments are NOT public; we are the only ones who will see them. Give us your thoughts as we move forward together in anticipation of what is the miracle of Christmas.

A Baby Born in a manger. Born to die. Redeemer of all man.

The music is part of the experience. Please take time to worship in song.


https://youtu.be/Nrr-7YA7cfM Christy Nockels Waiting Here For You

Love You Beloved in Christ,
