Tag Archives: #bealight

Beam of Light

Beam of Light


“By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.”‭Psalm‬ ‭119:105-112‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Anxious in the dark

Years ago, my family and I went to Lake Martin to spend some time with my parents. On the 4th of July, we got in my dad’s boat and rode up the Lake to watch the fireworks. We hadn’t planned very well because when the fireworks were over, it was dark and we had only a small light attached to the boat. There were some anxious moments for us all because we weren’t sure of the direction to take in the dark. However, my dad in his wisdom and keen sense of direction recognized landmarks and maneuvered us back to the cabin. Such a relief!

In the Dark

Oftentimes, we find ourselves in the dark. There are decisions to be made and we are uncertain which direction is the right one. We want to make the decision that God would have us make, but, for me, it would be nice to know the answer yesterday.

Avoid Stumbling

To avoid stumbling or making a complete mess of our lives, the word of God provides us with:

  • Guidance – “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

Study the word regularly. God says His word will direct us. He will guide you and direct you through His word.

  • Spiritual sustenance – “How sweet Your word is to my taste-sweeter than honey in my mouth. “

Psalms 119:103

His word gives us essential support for life and health. It brings a sweet filling of joy.

  • Wisdom – “I gain understanding from your precepts.” Psalms 119:104

God’s directions are better understood as we study His word. He will guide us through His word as we read and study it.

  • Encouragement – “I have Your decrees as a heritage forever; indeed, they are the joy of my heart.” Psalms 119:111

Do you find joy in the word of God? Sometimes I know He is speaking to me and it is so special. I yearn for those moments which give me joy unspeakable. Then there are days in which I find it difficult to sink my teeth into the word. Just keep reading and pondering on His word day and night.

Stay in the Word

Do you have a decision to make? Perhaps you just need assurance that God is present in your life. Stay in the word. Ponder His words day and night. He will direct you in the way you should go.

Paula Wallace

My Lighthouse by Rend Collective https://youtu.be/lFBZJGSgyVQ


Additional encouragement:

Tale of two cities
