Tag Archives: Bride of Christ

Wisdom’s Cry


Wisdom’s Cry: Heart of God

Proverbs 8-10

Proverbs 15

The discourse between the king and his son continues. Wisdom’s cry is the mind of God to the heart of man. Wisdom is the life of man. The eternal God is wisdom. (Job 9:4, Romans 16:27) He calls out to be heard by man, stands in places of importance, speaks only truth, and is prudent. (Proverbs 8:2-12) Christ the Son, provides righteousness and eternal life. Wisdom is a picture of Christ: sovereign, doing the work of creation, a SON willing to listen and follow the Father’s commands. (Proverbs 8:12-31) The Spirit is the cry of the heart of God to His children to hate evil (pride, arrogance, the evil way, and a foul mouth) and pursue God alone. (Proverbs 8:32-36) Wisdom is everlasting.

Wisdom’s Look: Beautiful vs Brazen

Wisdom is described as a woman: smart, industrious, caring. She is one who “fears” the Lord and understands His ways. (Job 28:28) She builds a perfectly (seven pillars) strong house (place of protection, hospitality). This homemaker prepares the meal (sacrifices of praise and for sin), issues the invitations to all desiring to come, learn, and share in the banquet. In the description of this woman, we see beauty and the Trinity at work in our lives. Wisdom is supposed to be a picture of the Bride of Christ, the church, pure and holy. (Proverbs 3:13-20, Proverbs 4:5-9) Expressions of God Himself on earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10)

Wisdom admonishes against judgment of others for it brings judgment unto ourselves. (Matthew 7:1-3) Judgement seals the ears of those we wish to impact.

Heeding wisdom’s cry increases the length of our lives. Wisdom’s cry is heard everywhere. She cries with a loud voice in the “high places, at the gates, and at the doors.” (Places of worship, halls of justice, and the marketplace) The wisdom’s cry originates in the heart of God and He desires that His children would listen for/to Him, find Him, and watch Him. This is what Jesus did. (John 5:18-20)

To balance this, is the reminder of what foolishness looks like: a woman of the street inviting others to the red light district. “Misery loves company!”

Wisdom’s Character

Finally, wisdom is contrasted with foolishness by using the following analogies:

Ant vs Sluggard / Industry vs Lazy / Selfless vs selfish / Standing strong vs Giving into Youthful passion/ Wise son vs foolish son / Hope in God vs expectation of man

Wisdom’s Words

Our wisdom or foolishness is revealed in what we say. Words can provide life, wisdom, instruction, understanding, hope, and knowledge or they can produce a poor reputation, stir up strife, speak lies, destroy relationships, and bring death. Every word will be judged. (Matthew 12:36) Words are weapons for good or to create chaos. Words are boomerangs! (Matthew 24:35, Isaiah 55:11) Words are gifts to a hurting world. (Proverbs 15, Psalm 19:14)

Inventory: Am I Wise?I

I wonder, do you and I truly desire to be considered wise? These chapters can give us a personal inventory to take. Where are we on the continuum of wisdom vs foolishness. Do I bring joy to the Father or grief to mother? Am I being delivered from death or am I on a banana peel to destruction. Will others say “she was a blessing,” or will they call me a “prating fool who stirred up strife.” Can I be counted among the wise because I “fear the Lord,” or with the foolish because I “reap consequences of running to evil?”

Take inventory today! God is asking this of you today. Accept His holy instruction to be wise and live a long life, safe in the storm.

Treading in deep, choppy water,

Deuteronomy 32:2


The Perfect Wisdom of Our God, by Keith and Krysten Getty

Yvonne Jones