Tag Archives: choose Joy

Choose Joy Over Anger,Sorrow and Misery

 Nehemiah 8:10  The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength

Choosing Joy Over Anger, Sorrow, and Misery

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”  James 1:2-4 (NLT)

This is another one of those verses that I couldn’t take in and apply in my life until not too long ago.  Opportunity for great joy when troubles come your way?  That made no sense at all to me.  I have needed a lot of instruction on this part of my life, and for sure a great tutor.  I just couldn’t get it.  

The Browder bunch has definitely had trouble come our way.  We all have.  My family’s faith has been tested so much. But what took me so long to understand is how to get through the hard days choosing joy. So I decided to try it one day.  I played Zach Williams song, “Old Church Choir,” and emphasized the part that says, “There ain’t nothing, there ain’t nothing gonna steal my joy!”  This song also mentions that once you choose joy, you can’t lose it.  


We all have experienced tough times and will one day experience our toughest times.  It took me such a lengthy time to understand what James 1:2-4 means, but I am crystal clear now.  Choosing joy grew me into a stronger person.  It is a choice that I make each day.  There are days where I really have to continually pray for joy and remember who holds the power because it surely isn’t me that is being so patient on my toughest days.  

During Christmas time this year, be inspired to choose joy in situations that come your way.  Recognize your weaknesses in daily situations and pray for that joy!  Don’t let anything steal your joy!  

Zach Williams sings Old Church Choir



Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder