David Phelps with Maggie Beth Phelps –Water

Jacob van Oost the Younger [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
God is a dreamer. He dreams about you and me. He dreams up big plans…………..plans that will give us hope. Give us an eternal future. Give us healing and set us free. This is illustrated in the story of the woman at the well. God had big dreams for her. An ordinary day, suddenly turning into the best day of her life when Jesus simply, quietly, and directly requested a drink of water. A woman hiding in the shadows of noon day heat and cover of darkness, approached by the Creator openly and with kindness and offered her the opportunity to live in freedom and wholeness.
God dreamed a dream for her life bigger than any she “could think or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20) This woman, an outcast among outcasts, became the object of Christ’s affection and His dream for her life found genesis. (John 4:4-26)
As a woman, I dream big dreams for those I love, for those I see in pain, trapped in fear, stuck in life’s muck and even people I don’t even know. (Could it be this is why shows like American Idol, XFactor, The Voice and Dancing with the Stars are so popular? We love watching “dreams come true!”) Dreaming is another way we express the image of the invisible God in our visible world. Even when we dream imperfectly, we are expressing love, hope, concern and speaking to the image of God in another. The Hebrew word for dream is chalam and it means “to be in good liking.” I like this! When God dreams of me, I am in His “good liking.”
The Father, Lord God of Heaven, created you with a dream! He has plans for YOU! Plans only you can fulfill. He has a purpose for your life. He desires to give meaning to your day. He longs to see you face to face. Man is God’s dream come true! Just like the woman at the well, the Father will send Jesus to meet you right where you are and ask you to serve HIm. In return, He will make you a living masterpiece of grace. Ask me how I know. He did this for me! I took the drink He offered and it has been an eternal spring of hope and life even in the darkest days of my soul. He has become my all in all.
You Are My All in All /Canon in D (Medley) [Live]-David Phelps
My All in ALL, Canon in D, Bill Gaither, Wes Hampton, David Phelps, and Michael English
(close your eyes and just speak the words to the Father)
Father, Lord God of Heaven,
Thank you for dreaming about me. Lord, make Your dream for my life come true.
I bless You Father for You alone are worthy of all praise.