Tag Archives: compassion

God’s Emotions Part Two Compassion


I think you might find the Hebrew language explained by livingwordin3d.com interesting.  It opens up scripture as God’s language revealed in each letter.


Does God have emotions?

Is God a person?


The Bible is saturated with compassion. It seeps through the pages of the Old Testament, pours out of the Gospels, and presents itself as a challenge to followers of Jesus. The Bible talks of a God who has compassion for Israel. It tells of a Savior who suffers for the world, and it asks us to live and act compassionately. (Compassioninternational.com)

I love this quote from Compassion International. It is the best expression I’ve found to describe God’s compassionate nature throughout the Bible.

We hear it often that God wants a “personal relationship” with us.  He is the first person in the trinity. The Westminster Catechism ask the question “how many persons is in the Godhead?.”

Answer: .” There are three persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.”

In theological circles, personhood is often defined as “the state of being an individual with intellect, emotion, and volition.” God, then, is a “person” in that He is a personal God with a mind, emotions, and a will of His own. To deny God’s emotions is to deny that He possesses personality. (https://www.gotquestions.org/does-God-have-emotions.html)

These two scriptures show his deep emotion and tender care for us:

But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me,
“Can a woman forget her nursing child. And have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you. “Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me. Isaiah 49:14-15 NASB

vs4-5 “Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion; Who satisfies your years with good things, So that your youth is renewed like eagle.   vs. 8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.  v. 13 Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust. Psalms 103:4-5, 8, 13-14 NASB

God’s compassion is driven by His love demonstrated in His Grace,or undeserved favor. His emotions are controlled by His unchanging Holy nature. His is a perfect balance in all that He is and does.  Justice is tempered by His Grace.  Anger is tempered by His faithfulness to His covenant. Compassion is as much a part of who He is as His unfailing love for us.

“Compassion literally means “to suffer together”. Researchers who study emotions define it as a feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering.” (https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/compassion/definition)

The root word in compassion is “passion”  Compassion then means to “come with passion” when you see another who suffers.  We are to come together to relieve suffering of others as much as we are compelled by God.

The Word in I John says:

I John 3:16-18  “16 We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? 18 Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.”

Matthew 9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of disease and all manner of sickness.

36 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion for them, because they were distressed and scattered, as sheep not having a shepherd. 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few. 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth laborers into his harvest.”

God the Father displayed His love and passion for mankind by sending Jesus in human form.  We are created in His image and we also should display compassion for those we meet that are suffering. How will that look?  It might be sitting with a friend who has lost someone they love. It might be sharing a meal with someone who needs help.  There are thousands of ways to “come with passion” to share God’s love.  It doesn’t need to necessarily come with a verbal message of evangelism.  We are to be lights that reflect God’s Son.  We are not the “fixer” of the situations, but we are to be His hands and feet.  Preach the gospel in season and out, and if necessary use words. This quote was paraphrased from Saint Francis of Assissi.

What will you do this week to show God’s compassion for someone who is suffering? There are many many people right now who need a friend.  Possibly all they need is someone to listen or weep with them.

God’s emotions are in you!! Even though we have not the fullness of the Godhead as Jesus did, we were still imprinted with His essence or His image.  (Read Von’s post on 10/09/17, Stepping Off in Deep Water)

Father, we pray you will give us your eyes to see the suffering.  Give your wisdom to know what you would have us to do.


Give Me Your Eyes

Brandon Heath


https://youtu.be/P5AkNqLuVgY  Give Me Your Eyes