Tag Archives: daily devotions



Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.

John 4:35 (KJV)

Here in the South, this Scripture brings to mind cotton fields. They are beautiful! Big, fluffy bolls of cotton far as the eye can see. We use them to decorate our homes, we love clothing made from this soft fiber, and some of us have been involved in the harvesting of this bumper or busted crop depending on the weather! During the harvest, the highway is lined with white as the harvested bolls are picked up by the wind and blown from the cotton wagons on the way to the gin to comb out the seeds and press the white fibers into bales for shipment to the mills where these fibers will be spun and woven and dyed and cut into bolts of beautiful fabrics to be purchased by other factories for upholstery, blue jeans, flannel shirts, sheets, towels, and fabric to be cut and sewn by moms like me to make clothing for my family, curtains, costumes, and other homegoods. What is harvested is used in a new way for a specific function for many years to come. A tiny seed, planted by a farmer, warmed and watered by God, grown up over time, and gathered by many hands (parts of a machine today) from a tiny seed producing more than itself even in lean years!

As I pondered on a word for the coming year to focus on and hopefully grow into a better understanding of, I was researching words and I came across an article titled, The Seven Laws of Harvest in bible.org. I also discovered this would be the prophetic word for the Jewish New Year 5778 (2018). The author stated what had been “cultivated” in the “past seven to ten years” would be “reaped” in the coming year.

Hmmmm, this could be both good and not so good. I began to consider all I had “sown” in the past ten years in words, deeds, omissions, attitudes, and time management. I may have some “splaining to do.” For the Bible says, “we must all give an account” (Romans 14:12, II Corinthians 5:10)

The article on the seven laws of harvesting, I had previously heard. The refresher was needed. I tend to forget this LAW and its precepts. Galatians 6:9-10 reminds us, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

So this will be my Word of the year. Harvest. I will seek to be aware of my harvest; what I am now planting and I will continue cultivating the seeds previously sown to insure the weeds stay under control. During the past year, the Lord has shown me some areas of my life where I have allowed the “weeds” to take over and the need to yank them out by the roots. It is a painful but positive process. It requires blood, sweat, and tears but the harvest is insured and the quality of the harvest is greatly improved. I look forward to the rewards of the good but I also know there will be negative consequences from the poor choices. I am choosing to see and be thankful for the growth that can come from even the trials, failures, and faux pas of my life. These are the times we are “conformed into the image of God.”


What will you choose as Word of the Year?

Please share your Word and your thoughts! We can learn much from each other……

For by wise counsel you will wage your own war,

And in a multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 26:6

Happy New Year!!