Tag Archives: daily devotions

” A Godly Heritage “

“ A Godly Heritage “by Tricia Cook

For the past several months I have been looking at the “Godly Heritage” that has been passed down to our family. Heritage is something you can inherit from another; it can be land, property, money, stocks, bonds, etc. usually passed down through one’s ancestors as an inheritance or birthright. But, there is also a spiritual inheritance that passes down through your bloodline into several generations.

“You have given me the heritage of those who fear Your Name.” (Psalm 61:5)

Some of my earliest memories are of my Grandpa Jim Thomas. He was a short, stout Irishman with bushy eyebrows that grew all the way across his forehead. Today, that is referred to as a unibrow. His Grandfather had traveled from Ireland to America during the crisis of the potato famine that hit that country. Many, many people died during it; but, the Lord provided a way for him to come to the new land and for our family to grow and multiply here in Alabama..

Farming was also his occupation; our family would go up to his house and help out in the fields when they needed plowing, planting, hoeing, or picking. As I watched my Grandpa and how hard he worked, I realized Daddy had gotten his work ethic from him. Yes, he planted cotton also. Many farmers did in that day. It was one of the main crops planted down south.

Grandpa always sat on the front pew on the right side of the church. I can still hear his deep bass voice as he lifted it in praise to his Lord. He loved the Lord and God’s Holy Word and was not ashamed of Him at all. I loved to hear him say the prayer in church and at dinnertime; you could just feel God all over the place. He was loved and respected by the people who knew him. And, yes, he was a man of integrity!!!

“The righteous who walk in his integrity; blessed are his children after him.” (Proverbs 20:7)

As a little girl, I would watch him with such pride in my heart that he was my Grandpa. A desire to love God in that way was placed deep in me by the Lord.

There have been so many role models from my family that chose Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. I am so grateful they took seriously their walk with the Lord. They have faithfully led by example in challenging us to follow after Jesus as they did. From a young child I have felt the responsibility to walk faithfully before the Lord and my family and anyone else who is watching. I genuinely pray that my life is a stepping stone in helping others find Christ.

“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, yes, I have a goodly heritage.” (Psalm 16:6)

I want to share with you a beautiful song called “Like Father, Like Son.” This song is by Jeff Easter and his Dad, James Easter. It was filmed in a church that his Father and Grandfather started in 1963. I have listened to it several times and am always touched as I watch “ Their Godly Heritage “ in action.



Like Father, Like Son by Jeff Easter and His Dad, James Easter

May God richly bless you with a “Godly Heritage” for you and your family.

Love forever,

Tricia Cook