Tag Archives: easter

Easter: Path to the Cross


Easter P’s: The Path to the Cross

Jesus followed a very specific path to Calvary’s cross. He IS the LAMB who was slain before the foundation of the world. (I Peter 1:20, Revelation 13:8) He followed the same path of the lamb of every Passover from Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and building the Tabernacle until this His final Passover. He did not miss a jot or a tittle. (Matthew 5:18) In order to see this we must return to the first Passover, the reenactment of the coming of the Lamb who alone could take away the sins of the world. Every other lamb was just a reasonable facsimile. A picture of the One to come. (Exodus 12)

Path of sacrifice

The next path begins as Jesus enters through the gate from outside the city at the precise time the High Priest was entering Jerusalem with the Passover lamb to be offered for the people. This lamb would be inspected for imperfections for four days prior to Passover to ensure this lamb was “worthy” to be offered up as the national sacrifice. In families, a lamb was chosen and brought into the house to be a member of the family for this period (just long enough for family members to become attached and fall in love with the sweet thing prior to sacrificing the animal for the sins of the family. (Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, John 12:12-19)

Jesus ate a final meal with His disciples instituting a new covenant. Following this, He proceeded to the Garden to pray for strength and courage (He was in an earthly body and knew the pain He would face). (Matthew 26:36-46, Luke 22:39-46) Here His disciples abandoned Him, betrayed Him, and denied Him. Thus began the pouring out of His lifeblood and the breaking of His one beautiful heart. For this purpose, God orchestrated how we return to the Garden since our expulsion………….

The path from the Garden

His path from the Garden was like dragging an animal on a leash to the Temple Mount where He faced the Sanhedrin. The cacophony of sounds was like that of thousands of bleating sheep being “led” to the Temple for sacrifice. Here Jesus stood before the “shearers” silent, offering no defense. A lowly lamb cannot speak.

The LAMB was once more dragged from the Temple to Herod’s palace where He was declared without spot or blemish and condemned to die. (Luke 23:3-16, John 19:4)

The LAMB was then tied to the wood for the sacrifice just as Isaac carried the wood for the sacrifice. (Genesis 22:1-19) He carried the wood up the hill of the mount (we call Calvary but is really Mount Moriah) and there gave His precious life by spilling His blood one drop at a time for the sins of the world at the precise moment the Passover Lamb was sacrificed on the Temple mount our sweet Savior took His last breath and declared “It is finished.” The debt was paid in full. (Matthew 27:33, John 19:17, 30)

The Path of Humiliation

The path was paved with pain, sorrow, and humiliation. This is the price of sin for mankind. Jesus though innocent experienced all we do to offer Himself as a ransom for many. This is the reason Jesus left His home in glory. No detail was missed. The rehearsal became the main event. This is the reason Jesus left His home in glory. He came to redeem the world! He IS the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the whole world. (John 1:14, Philippians 2:5-8)

As this Lamb took His last breath, the gate to The Garden reopened when the veil in the Temple was ripped in two from the TOP TO THE BOTTOM for all who would believe and accept this payment for their sin. Restored fellowship with the Father is again ours. Just as the cost of a sacrificial lamb was high in both monetary and emotional costs, the cost for our salvation is high and brings emotion and an acute awareness: this cost Jesus EVERYTHING! (Matthew 27:51)

I am thankful for His great love for me and willingness to pay my sin debt. To understand He planned this before He created man is mind-boggling. He gave us free will knowing exactly what it would require of Him. (Joshua 24:15, John 7:17, Revelation 3:20) Thank you Lord Jesus for loving me too much to leave me in my mess and for rescuing me from myself!

New Path New Covenant

Passover is no longer needed. Communion is all Christ desires. Would you share yourself with the Savior? All He asks is that you BELIEVE He is the Son of the Living God and died for your sins………..every last one of them, past, present, and future. We don’t have to understand it all……….He will through His Holy Spirit instruct and enlighten you as you walk with Him in the Garden. (John 3:16, John 16:3)

This Easter season, would you watch the Lamb? Follow Him to Calvary. See what He did just for you.

Lord God, Father in Heaven,

I thank You for Your love and Your sacrifice. I worship You in Spirit and Truth for You alone are worthy of all my praise.


Watch the Lamb by Ray Boltz
