Tag Archives: overcomingFEAR

Luke 12:7 Fear Not Losing Your Crown of Glory

Luke 12:7 (Companion to Matthew 10:31) “But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are more valuable than many sparrows. ”

Lost in a crowd? Feeling “invisible” as a friend of mine describes it? Think you are insignificant in the grand scheme of things? Fear you have missed your purpose on this spinning blue ball? Got a case of “Garden Syndrome?” You know, “nobody loves me, everybody hates me, going to the garden to eat worms.” (January 25, 2016, Fear Not the Conspiracy) I hear you laughing with nervous understanding! These are all lies whispered in our ears from the enemy who has but one desire: keep us believing we are unworthy of love and belonging. For when we believe this, we cannot live in abundance and in victory. We will not exercise the authority given to us by Christ Himself to overcome life’s struggle. We will fail to be all He created us to be for His glory. Let’s face it, we have ALL had these thoughts at one time or another.

Listen closely to Jesus words as he tenderly strokes your full thick mane or your shiny, bald head and tells you how very much He loves you! He knows you intimately: how tall or short, how frail or fluffy, the color of your eyes-blue, brown, hazel, aquamarine, or black. He knows if you sing like a bird or make a joyful noise. Is your skin red, yellow, black, or white? He knows! He has counted the hairs on your precious head! He feeds the sparrows, sees them build their nests, knows when a baby sparrow falls from the nest. Sparrows are small, dull, and “useless birds,” but He gives them MUCH attention. Jesus said, YOU ARE MORE VALUABLE THAN MANY SPARROWS! (May 4, 2016, Fear Not, He Cares for You) You are so valuable He has numbered your hair strands. He updates the number as they fall out. He feels it when someone pulls them. Sometimes, he replaces the hairs we have lost. Ask any cancer patient who has endured chemo. They not only get their hair back, it is an updated color, texture, and thickness. This proves He cares for you! The Word says a woman’s hair is her crown. I believe the Father thinks the most beautiful crowns are worn by the courageous as they fight and there is not a single strand of hair.

Many or few, the number is uniquely YOU! And He knows the exact number!

Fear not my virtual friends–we are important, significant, visible, loved, and cared for! If you still don’t believe me, I DARE you to count the hairs on your own head or of someone you adore. I bet you cannot do it and keep up with the number as it changes daily! He knows your name! (Matthew 10:31, Feb 10, 2016 Fear Not, He Knows Your Name) He fights for you! He died for you. We really commit one of the abominations (Proverbs 6:16-19) when we agree with satan by believing we are unseen, unimportant, unloved. ‘Cause it is a LIE! “His eye is on the sparrow and I know He cares for me.” He said so in His Word, and He provides all we need, and proves it by His love in action.

The One Who Sees Me by Gwen Smith



Sitting on the bottom and watching the bubbles rise,







Sparrows by Jason Gray