Psalm 118:6 The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? (KJV)
This beautiful psalm is one of thanksgiving and deliverance. This ONE verse is short, sweet, and dead on! It is an arrow of truth aimed at the bulls-eye of your heart. This is a pill of courage for ALL to swallow.

arrows hitting directly in bulls eye
Statement of fact: The LORD is on my side! If I have trusted Christ as Savior He IS on my side. My name is written on His hand right next to the nail scar. My face is burned into His mind by the thorns that pierced His brow. My sin is erased by the blood that poured out from every gaping wound.
Question: If Christ is on my/your side and He is–
What can any mere mortal (dust and spit) do to me that will change this fact?
So, why is Little Much Afraid afraid? Soul amnesia. I forget. I am not appreciative. I do not trust. I doubt.
No wonder Jesus weeps. It makes His sacrifice of no account.
Lord ,
Please forgive my lack of faith. Jesus came as a man, limited by time and space just like me, to show me how I am able to live in courage, victory, and peace if I put my trust in YOU and believe Your Word. It is so simple and I complicate it. Lord, today, may I live like I say I believe. Show me areas of doubt in my life and then Lord, do whatever it takes to roto-rooter it out. I want my life to be a reflection of this promise.
Be my courage.
In the name of Jesus I lift this petition.