Tag Archives: overcomingFEAR

Be Born In Me – Christmas

Be Born in Me by Francesca Battistelli

Year in and year out we celebrate Christmas with parties, presents, people, and pain.  Yes, pain.  We miss those we love who are not with us for whatever reason.  We recognize that our world is not Norman Rockwell wonderful (Holiday Memories, Nov. 18, 2015).  We realize this is not a Beaver Cleaver world and I Love Lucy is funny only because things are going very wrong in Lucy’s world and not mine for thirty blessed minutes.

Several years ago, I began to dissect the Christmas story.  I would take one part of the story and learn as much as I could about the characters, the star, the relationships, and even the changes in the earth.  The story of Christ’s birth took on renewed beauty and the gift became more precious.

Every detail was planned out before the Creation.  Jesus took on dust and became limited by time and space.  He became dependent on other dust.  He was born with a purpose and it would cost Him and those who loved Him everything.

The gift of Christmas is of no avail if we refuse the gift.  It is offered to all.  Few receive it.  This year I pray He will Be Born in Me anew.  I pray you will reread, re-listen to the music, re-examine your heart and that you too will ask Him to Be Born in You!  

This is the gift He desires.  An open door to your heart.  Please, let Him in.  You will never be disappointed in this holy treasure.  He would have come only for you.  Ask Him in.  He is waiting patiently.   Do you have room?  Tricia asked this question on Dec 1st and I am asking again.  Don’t let another CHRISTmas season go by without answering this question once and for all.  

Do You Have Room by ONE VOICE Children’s Choir

“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15

Merry Christmas from the Merry Band of Treaders!