Tag Archives: #hidden treasure

Hidden Treasures In Secret Places


Mount Everest

Isaiah 45:3. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

Mark 11:22-23 After all, Jesus said: “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.”

Secret Places

To say the last dozen years have been a fiery furnace would be a gross understatement: Cancer, suicide, drug addiction, sickness, surgery, loneliness, fear, gravesides, losses that broke my heart, a major change of lifestyle, and the list goes on. I have checked every box in the “at risk for depression list.” Talk about wanting the earth to stop spinning and let me off! Anyone else???

I have come to understand, it is in the darkness that the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father is most visible. Hidden treasures and riches stored in secret places must be mined to bring into our vision. The mountain is moved one prayer at the time. It often requires dynamite to reveal these nuggets: Blood, sweat, and vats of tears shed in the closet of prayer. Calloused knees thickened by prayers. Wisdom gleaned from another’s journey. It is pride breaking WORK!


Our Father leads us down to help us rise richer. In the depths of despair, His loving hand of help comes disguised as a card of encouragement, a song, an offer of assistance, a lawn mowed, the door of a friend’s home opens and sheltering arms are waiting, a meal prepared, a phone call, a flower to brighten a room, a hug, or an understanding tear in the eyes of a new friend He brings at just the right time.

Our culture has taught us to “stand on your own two feet,” you can have “everything you want if you work hard,” and the biggest lie of all, “being a Christian makes life easier.” The Word of God begs to differ! From cover to cover it proves following the Lord is not easy and does not come naturally and is no guarantee of wealth, success, health, or a life of ease. Look at the lives of early Christians! Scripture tells us to do what is the opposite of all our human nature wants to do! Forgive. Carry another’s burden. Give away what you hold precious. Be inconvenienced. Love your enemy. Carry a cross. Don’t look back.

Treasures and riches revealed

Mountain climbers all want to conquer Mount Everest. It is the goal of the avid climber. You don’t just go climb this mountain. You must train your body and mind, prepare equipment, plan your ascent, find a guide, check out your plan with successful climbers, watch the weather, and then actually go and attempt the climb, knowing it may cost you your very life.

The mountain in front of you will move, but you will move it one toe hold at the time. In the process, you will be changed and pave the way for another as they face their own mountain. Yes, there will be setbacks; you will want to give up. Please don’t! The darkest hours are just before dawn. He called you to this mountain by name! You are His chosen one for the task at hand. “Weeping may endure through the night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5-7). This is how we “find hidden treasures and riches in the secret places.”

You’ll Never Walk Alone by Josh Groban


This song’s message NEVER gets old. It comes to mind so often for me.

Oswald Chambers in his devotional, My Utmost for His Highest (Dec 27) says, “The battle is lost or won in the secret places of the will before God, never first in the external world.”

Additional Reading:

The Secret Place