Tag Archives: #imageofGod

God’s Activity



God’s activity

The Book of Genesis

Genesis 1:26 tells us that God made man in His image and then Genesis gives us a glimpse of just what this image is. The Word tells us “God created, said, saw, called, made, set, blessed, and gave” and this was just in chapter one. Man is able to create, speak, see, bless, set, and give. Chapter two tells us God rested, formed and breathed, planted, placed, took, commanded, observed, named, and did surgery. These too are activities of mankind. Chapter three we see relationship through time and activity, questioning, emotion, decision making, and disciplining for disobedience. All these man must also experience in the course of walking through life and having children. In the remaining chapters of Genesis we see even the “negative” aspects of God’s image. In Genesis 6:6 we see God regrets, in Genesis 7:23 the Lord destroyed, in chapter 11:7 God confounds and scatters, Genesis 22 the Lord tests, in Genesis 32 He wrestles, and in chapters 37-50 we see how the Lord orchestrates life even using evil for good. God developed covenants and appeared unexpectedly. We each have at one time or another come to a place where we have participated in these moments of life. Man is unique in the creation for only mankind has these god-like qualities of thought, reasoning, decision making, and resulting consequences of our actions.

In Genesis 18:30 we see God is angry. In Genesis 15:6 we see how our belief affects the Lord’s response to us, in Genesis 4:4 we see God protecting and covering the sin of His children and yet requiring consequences for disobedience, and in Genesis 1:31 we see God is pleased with His work. These emotions are a glimpse into a God of emotion (see all of Freda’s posts on the emotions of our God).

This is an initial glimpse into the “image of God” placed in man. God granted man dominion, genius, decision making capabilities, need for relationship, creative ability, senses, and accountability. “The image of God implies all that is distinctive to human nature: the spiritual, psychological, sociological, and physical aspects, all of which are reflections of God’s nature.” (biblestudytools.com)

As believers, we represent God on earth and are a reflection of His character in our activities. (II Corinthians 5:20, Colossians 3:10) Today, as we go through our day and live out our god-like abilities, may we be ever mindful we are representing the Father and each of us has been endowed with these amazing god-like capabilities for the good of all of creation, and to allow us to interact with the God of the Universe in meaningful and cooperative endeavors. May we, like our God, remember (Genesis 8:1) our purpose, the needs of others, and seek to protect, cover, and redeem all that is lost, corrupted, and broken; speak truth in love and express thanksgiving lest we become prideful, for we ALL are created in HIS image and it is this image we must honor, especially in those who are in struggle for are not we all in a battle?

God of All My Days by Casting Crowns



Challenge: Read through Genesis and highlight all God does and think about your own life and all you do. Now are you amazed at all we have been given?


Treading in amazing grace,

Yvonne Jones