Tag Archives: instruction

Proverbs 3: Important instruction



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Proverbs 3

Solomon continues his very important instruction to his son, following the command of the Torah found in Deuteronomy 6:7. “7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Not only is Solomon speaking, he is writing his instructions down for his children and his children’s children who will reign on the throne of his father David, until Messiah comes.

Memory problem

We are forgetful people. We cannot remember for even twenty-four hours what the Lord did for us yesterday! Just read Exodus, Leviticus, and Joshua and see how the children of Israel behaved. A father admonishes his child to remember the law and commandments. He reminds the child for one very important reason: To add to your life days and PEACE! Isn’t that what this world cries out for? Peace!! This wise father points out ways to remember. Bind them around your neck. Write them on your heart (memorize). And again, gives the important result: It will bring favor and high esteem from both God and man. Isn’t that what we long for? Favor and esteem? It sums up Proverbs 3:5-6 Very important instruction indeed!


Solomon gives his son specific examples. The law of reaping and sowing: tithe and your barns will be full. Humility and respect of God and man leads to “health and strength.” Our failures lead to consequences. Don’t blame God. He disciplines those He loves.

God created man in His image and we too create by wisdom, understanding, and knowledge (more about this later). The proverb reiterates living life in this way produces a life that is long, lived without fear, and has confidence in God. This is the vertical relationship. The horizontal relationship is enhanced through sharing, living in harmony, a life without envy, and a life of love and community.


Father in Heaven,

Holy is Your name. LORD, I will trust You with all my heart and I will not lean on my own understanding. I will acknowledge You Father in all I do and I ask You to direct my life.

I will not be wise in my own eyes. Lord, I honor You and will do so by giving the first fruits (tithe) of all You have entrusted to me.

I ask, in the name of Jesus, for this to be the lifestyle of my entire family that they may have the health and strength as You promised in Your word.


Well Done by The Afters


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