Tag Archives: #lovelikejesus

Feeding Sheep-Love What Jesus Loves


Painting by Caspar David Friedrich 1818

“Strange the things you remember, the people, the places, the moments in time burned into your heart forever, while others fade in the mist.”

John 21:14-17

Wise Words

These Bible verses ( Jesus telling Peter to “feed His sheep,”) brought to mind a memory, something my mom told me when I was sixteen. It was a commentary of how, when we love someone, we are truly interested in all they are interested in. It made an impact then and it’s truth found new meaning today.

Life Lesson

When I was sixteen and dating a sweet, likeable guy on the school wrestling team. We were great friends and dating was “convenient.” It was a safe relationship and we saw a lot of each other because he lived next door to my best friend and we were in the same classes. One day he invited me to his wrestling match–something he loved to do, and I not so politely said, “I’ll pass!”

Later, I was conveying our conversation to Mamma. She turned and looked me square in the eye and her words were sharp (she could have a very sharp tongue) and her tone left no doubt as to her meaning. She said, “If you are going to date someone, date as if you are going to one day be married. If you cannot support his likes, loves, activities, and needs, and only want what you can get out of it, you will destroy him, yourself or both. So, think about it and decide because if you continue to date him, I expect you to show up ‘whether you like it or not!’

Practical Application

What Mamma was saying was L-O-V-E requires doing what is hard for the good of another. Love is investing in what they love, who they love, and being ALL IN! Without a thought of self! Within a week, we were no longer dating. I wasn’t willing to do wrestling. How I handled the departure I regret greatly, but I knew Mamma was right and he deserved so much better. I have apologized for my lack of diplomacy and consideration, and he graciously accepted. Thankfully, we remain friends. “Lesson learned.”

Jesus Point of View

Jesus asked Simon Peter three times, “Do you love me?” Peter grew frustrated and disconcerted because he said, “Yes!” three times. What was the Savior saying to Simon? Jesus was saying, “If you love Me, you will love who, what, where, when, and how I love.” Do we love Jesus in this way?

Lesson Learned

I can tell you I endured many a boring afternoon in art galleries for my husband. Don’t get me wrong, I love art. However, I like more action on vacation than spending hours in museums. I wanted to be near what I LOVE! The beach, the mountains, the shops, …….. Let’s go, go, go!!!! He wanted to slow down and smell the petunias; Gaze at techniques used by the masters of art.

Why did I go with him instead of saying, “You go ahead, I will be here when you get back.”? I went with him, because I simply wanted to be with him, I loved him. Therefore, I loved what he loved, who he loved. I was helping to feed HIS soul with good things. He loved me much better because he was all in, in attitude too. My all in was often not with a great attitude but because I knew he would not do what he desired if I said, “I didn’t want to go.”

All In

I was a bride of a very loving, talented, and determined man. I was the recipient of love, talent, leadership, and determination. Did he deserve less love? Selfish is not love. Jesus now calls me to be His Bride. Do I love who He loves? Will I meet the needs of those He loves? Am I willing to feed His sheep? What was the special relationship Jesus had with John that made him the “disciple Jesus loved?” I think we found the answer. John loved those Jesus loved. “The Beloved” (John) did without question what Jesus asked him to do. This disciple could not get enough Jesus. (John 21:20) He could not!

To be the Bride of Christ, as Mamma said, I need to get on board or get off! Henry Blackaby in Experiencing God, put it this way, “Find where God is working and go join him there.” I MUST BE ALL IN!

Thank you Mamma! Your words were wrought with truth and I am forever grateful. They saved me much regret after he was gone.


Feed My Sheep by Don Fransico

Oh The Deep Love of Jesus, violin solo and sung by Simon Khorolskiy

Answer the Question

Are you ALL IN? If we aren’t we ARE NOT part of the Bride of Christ! Something to ponder deeply. The decision to be the Bride is ours alone!

Yvonne H Jones